TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I haven't thought of this guy in eons. I was in the same school conference as his son.

So I looked him up.

He died 15 years ago today.

How does that happen???


Home with the new tork monster. That it is.

The downside: the pipes aren't throaty enough. They pass muster to stay on the factory warranty, so there's that. But they look like sewer pipes, and there should be dragons living in them. But they don't . . . until you punch the throttle but good. Of course, I'm back on break-in cycle, so there will be none-o'-that for another 500 miles. Not a deep note, but loud. Thanks to the larger air intake and throttle body. The intake is better but not as good as the aftermarket one I had on the old bike. Once again: warranty.

The upside: the badging is conservative. The whole thing is stealthy. It has big balls, no doubt about that. This is gonna be Hella-fun when it gets set the rest of the way up. Gotta take it back in after its 500 miles so's they can run the snot out of it on the dyno and get it adjusted. It rides great and pulls hard - as hard as half-throttle is going to. This thing is going to eat up highway and blow trucks and nimrods into the weeds. Allah damn right!!!

When the warranty craps out, then we look at a better breather, better pipes (like a tuned two-into-one), and maybe a bit lumpier cam.


Good morning.

Grats on getting your ride back Wat. And your post warranty plans for it should complete its transformation to a FDA certified lithotripter. :D
I need a new remote,
I have worn out the 2 and 5 buttons.
I've seen these for sale at Walmart, so that won't be a problem.
I'm going to have to spring for a new remote soon myself. I dropped the damn thing one too many times and have managed to crack the case. It still works but it's only one more drop away. :rolleyes:
I'm going to have to spring for a new remote soon myself. I dropped the damn thing one too many times and have managed to crack the case. It still works but it's only one more drop away. :rolleyes:

I never drop my remote or phone,
but I have laundered the latter
leaving me with a phone that
I absolutely hate beyond measure.
It is too fancy-complex by far.
Nor face-plant.

I'm just careful.
I was forced to see the Titanic debacle in Branson by friends.
I got up out of the tiny seat ripping my phone clip to shreds,
but that was pretty much the only time anything like a drop occurred.
The weekend local morning news anchor could be a cutie with better makeup.

She reminds me of Maddie from Maddie and Tae...
Good morning, Everyone!

There's a bit of frost out there.
It's almost time to get to the vegetable gardening.
Blessedly, the gov is a sensible man, and garden supplies are considered essential.
But, then, most everyone here in the sticks has a garden, and has for generations.
Now, to figure out the where's and when's. Oh, and the whats
My garden is 4 rough totes on wagons, they are currently housed in the three season room and have plants for salads. I'm looking forward to having tomatoes with flavour again, greenhouse ones just aren't that great.
Oh and here in the hills, we have modified that social distancing phrase. We just say, you stay in yer holler and I'll stay in mine.
I have 1 tomato plant in. Went with the traditional Beef Steak this year. Not doing any canning I tend to stick with the non-determinant varieties.

I'll probably pick up my herbs this week.
I am not a fan of hot house tomatoes, either.I look forward to fresh ones out of the garden.

The problem with the critters is they see all the hollers as theirs. Which reminds me, I have to figure out how to keep the deer out of the garden.
I am not a fan of hot house tomatoes, either.I look forward to fresh ones out of the garden.

The problem with the critters is they see all the hollers as theirs. Which reminds me, I have to figure out how to keep the deer out of the garden.

Keep them in the freezer. :D
I am not a fan of hot house tomatoes, either.I look forward to fresh ones out of the garden.

The problem with the critters is they see all the hollers as theirs. Which reminds me, I have to figure out how to keep the deer out of the garden.

Might I suggest a compound bow at about 60 pounds? A small gauge rifle works as well but makes so much noise.
I think the box stores are scamming us.


I know groceries use to accept payment for shelving placement
and now, when I order my pickups from the box stores,
even when I specifically order the cheaper generics,
they keep "substituting" more expensive brand names.

I think they're engaging in a kick-back scheme.

Did I mention, I always put out some cherry and pear tomatoes
for salads and sauces? Accept NO substitutes.

Damned deer!

The higher my fences, the higher they leap.
I ain't staying up all night to chase them off.
They keep tripping the game camera too...