TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

That reminds me that I have to get out early and weed and hoe the garden
and then my reward is pool acorn patrol...

Did I mention that big Stupid refused to go back into
the office and I was forced to carry her in?
I think it's doggie dementia.

This is an absolutely new behavior.
She used to be terrified of the gate,
if it fell, she wouldn't so much as walk around it...

I don't think it has much to do with training one way or the other.
I don't normally hear the gate crashing and subsequently get up to do anything about it.
This was a pure one-off; I usually don't find out until I wake up.
This has gone on for about two weeks.
I could go buy a much better, taller, locking gate,
but at their age, it seems easier and cheaper to just close the door.
My terror seems to fear little if anything.

Although he is wary of sudden movements.

He's not very big, so that might enter into it, too.

I'd rather stay home today and install my new Loud Pipes . . . .


It's almost deer season.
Time to install deer whistles.
They make the fuckers stop and listen;
lets you get a good shot at them with the truck...

:cool: :D
Nooooo, might hurt the new bumper!

Actually it’s more likely the bumper will shear them in half, which isn’t bad because they’d be easier to move in pieces.
Yeah, well, it needed a new bumper anyways and I wanted a hidden winch, so there’s that.

Unfortunately installing it is beyond my skill level, has to have a frame reinforcement thing and the intercooler has to be moved, so it’s sitting in a crate until I find a shop to do it.
I know a couple of guys who would fit right into Player Piano
who I go to to fix up things like that - the shop costs too much.
Good morning folks. Companies gone and life is back to normal.

So the topic this AM is accessories huh? :)
Wat started it, it’s his fault.

Apparently my truck isn’t supposed to be a fashion statement, though I fail to see the fun in that!
No! I love my truck! But I scraped up and dented the bumper on a tree stump that I thought was just a shrub.
Noooo, I have a big V plow on the heavy truck, which only gets used for plowing snow and pulling the pontoon boat. I don’t pull the pontoon with the other one because the front end points at the sky and I can hardly see over the hood.

Short people problems...
The little Prius that could decided she was not in the mood tonight. Got random red triangle of death, but running fine. Pulled over to the pumps to refuel and reset the computer. Nada.

It's got a small 12V gel battery that runs all the electronics. To reset it you just disconnected there, plug it back in and usually you're good to go...pluged it back in and I've got no go. Fussed with it a while, but at 105°at 2am and moderate humidity, I decided that I would bring the mountain of problemas to Mohammed, my mechanic. I've meaning to see him anyway, I'm nursing air in the coolant system, I've got one vald tire and a nicely dressed out alloy I want to swap out, and I want to see if he's got a better fender.

No point having roadside assist if you aren't gonna abuse it.

Considering I was lazy one day had the small one an extra day and only got in a few hours tonight, I had a pretty good week. I really worked less than four full nights.
Noooo, I have a big V plow on the heavy truck, which only gets used for plowing snow and pulling the pontoon boat. I don’t pull the pontoon with the other one because the front end points at the sky and I can hardly see over the hood.

Short people problems...

Phone books.

Do they still make those?