TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Nah, they slip off the pedals.

In my early twenties, I had this tiny, Costa Rican girlfriend. 4'10" tall, perfectly normal proportions, just 3/4 size. She was great with a stick shift and I trusted her driving skills.

My Bug was stranded, so I borrowed a roommates Toyota truck to tow it home. I towed, and she was in the Bug to be the brakes. Wearing heels.

Hit the truck.

They were cute heels.
Sounds reasonable. You've got different heels for different tasks, why not event-specific trucks?

What sort of truck do you drive with hoop earings?
Audi A8, the crash and bash mobile. A lot tougher than people give them credit for!

And yeah, the chains are probably going to get looked down on in today’s political climate!
Loud pipes??? Accessories????

Oh fuck no, they're motherfucking necessities!!!! :mad:

If'n it ain't loud, it's not a Harley.

Hard to believe they were once marketed as being quiet.


Good thing that Wat is so fucking humble or else he'd have some hurted feelers. :(

They're "soft scrubbing" the buildings. Might as well have a wank on them for all the good it's doing. I wonder who thought this was a good idea. Okay, not really.

It's lunch time. Now and later sub. Won't have to wonder what's for supper as I already own supper.

Eight and a half more work days . . . .



Home/scrotel13. Grazing in, as previously mentioned.

Talked to Junior. He suggested juggling our visit based on the Latest "Outbreak". Or latest outrage. I'm not feeling it, really. I reckon that we'll see as we draw closer to time.

Not sure why, but I'm damn glad that I left home with my old buddy Sig(mund).

Researching HfD tuners. There is one which seems head-n-shoulders above the rest, so . . . .


My phone case stress fractured and I need a new one so that I can put the little metal plate on the back so that I can magneticly mount it to my dash. Of course nobody makes phone cases for my phone because I hate updating. I am two free phone upgrades behind and I don't give a damn I like what I like, and change for the sake of change and planned obsolescence annoys the ever-living-fuck out of me.

So I sign up for Amazon. The last time I bought anything from Amazon they only sold books.

Amazon sucks other than the fact that they have absolutely everything including several things that I haven't been able to find locally anywhere.

There web interface sucks. You cant combine orders once placed. The only way to screw Amazon is to get Amazon Prime and make sure every single order is an individual order and make them ship them separately.

Navigating to privacy settings is a nightmare and when you get there? basically, "Fuck you; we're going to collect what we want and furthermore fuck you.

Customer service is in endless loop of artificial intelligence. To talk to a rep, they make you download the huge bloatware app, only to talk to a wrap who isn't empower to do anything.

Maybe it'll be another 15-20 years before I order from them again.
In other news, I had the tow-truck driver swing by my house to collect a second key fob.

My proximity key for some weird reason never did work if you put it in the slot. If you put it in the slot it to stables the car. Which makes no sense. Just in case it would help to diagnose the problem I got a key that does work in the slot but does not have the proximity function and I included both when I sent it to the mechanic.

The second key had a dead battery so I wasn't able to try it. Turns out the entire problem is my proximity key no longer coordinates with the CPU for some odd reason. So $60 and a new battery for my second key fob later and I'm down the road but I no longer have a proximity key which means I have to put it in the slot, take it out of the slot, put it in my pocket, take it out of my pocket and I didn't realize how much that sucks.

It's amazing how much in life is completely on autopilot that you don't realize. I can no longer hop in and out of the car between not being able to snatch my phone off the dash by my magnetic mount in one motion, and never thinking about my key, something as simple as getting in and out of the car is suddenly confusing. The only upside is it is impossible to lock a key in a Prius.

Also my mechanic strongly recommends I scrap the car.. . I'm still being stubborn.
Happy Tuesday!!!

I'm a mechanical key person. Maybe it's more moving parts, but the point is, they're parts and not battery operated gizmos which fuck up in bizarre ways when they go bad. Hell, the damned bikes have fobs The little one feels more weird than the big one. And they both come with PINs, which I should probably change.

The a/c makes too much noise. Whatever.

The coffee is good for road coffee.


