TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Good morning, folks.

Had an extremely brave coyote last night, somehow got into dummy dogs fenced area.

A moment of silence...

Okay, back to coffee.
I too am of the mind that simple us better. Give me manual crank windows it's not that tough to roll down a window.

I probably have 12-15,000 hours driving Prius(i) around and it was just as hard to get used to the proximity key initially.
Nah, PETA just annoys me. :p

I too am of the mind that simple us better. Give me manual crank windows it's not that tough to roll down a window.

I probably have 12-15,000 hours driving Prius(i) around and it was just as hard to get used to the proximity key initially.

Don't see PETA out here. <shrug>

All of those accessories/features are just something else that can go wrong. I draw the line when one of those "features" affects the vehicle from moving at all.
Wat supports PETA with every fibre of his being.

People (namely Wat and Co.) Eating Tasty Animals.

As much as I wonder about the motorcycle fob, I am in awe of the electronic tuner and the possibilities it brings. Gonna have to get one. Next.

Off to buy weasel supplies . . . .



PETA's a joke. Probably some members mixed in with the Antifa/BLM crowd. I'd like to round them all up, drop them in the middle of the Amazon basin and see how many make it out.
Maybe the local PETA chapter can give you a hand
if you can point out how the new bumper
more ethically protects the wildlife
you 'run' across...

I do believe the trick's going to be finding the jacks/lifts to hold it in place until you can get the bolts in.
I do believe the trick's going to be finding the jacks/lifts to hold it in place until you can get the bolts in.

I have forks for the bobcat, I think I can make that work if I cut some blocks to shim it upright.

The bumper itself is the simple part, it’s all the stuff I have to add and move behind it that concerns me.
I like my recliner, it’s comfortable!

Lazy Boy makes them in smaller sizes, so I found one that I can get in and out of without jumping.