TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

^^^ When you put more money into fixing a car than it's worth. Scrap it.

Reflecting on our recent self-isolation; I realize I wasted an opportunity.

I didn't learn a foreign language
I didn't do any home improvements
I didn't read any classic literature
I didn't improve myself in any way.

I didn't even get any covid sex.

I want a do over! But with prior notice for planning purposes this time.
Costco's Kirkland batteries are Duracells. Just saying.
Are they really?


'ello Mr. Wat!
I'll bet you could sell them-thar Pree-eye-susses fer sumpfin. Maybe not much, but someone summers would make you an offer.

Hello, Mizz Slivv. Always a pleasure!!!

Wat got another building damned near completed. Not like it doesn't involve running around and checking on shit.

If could just anybody do this shit, what would Wat do???



Home loafing and staying cool. They didn't bleed me out and nobodies called to tell me I'm dying................yet. So I guess all is right with the world.
Home with the cat. He's chatty. And my new seat arrived.

Stopped at the grocery to score some victuals for each of us. I got him some of the crap that J feeds her cats, and he seems to like it. He can have choices.

He's an old cat, so he should be as happy as I can make hime.

And he's smarter than your average Litster, so there is that . . . .



I gotta quit hitting curbs.

Got a new tire for the wear-out I shredded, got my exhaust re-routed off of the plastic gas tank, and then went for an alignment. Road noise after the curb.

Turns out, it was the axel rubbing on the torsion bar link ends since the wheel was shoved back a couple of inches. Replaced the lower control arm, that I already replaced this year..

I don't think she is ecstatic with me but she seemed much happier on the way home.
Happy payday Wednesday!!! Got the mid-month obligations met. The cat will be so happy that the a/c will continue to run, thanks be to Allah's electricity.

I accidentally checked on the website where I ordered my new seat. It had told me I had gotten the last one, and sure enough, it had updated to "out of stock." I reckon so.

Got more heat-n-humid today. It must still be July.

Got coffee, too, which is preferable . . . .



Good morning!

Coffee is good this morning, and I’m going to attempt the bumper. I opened the crate and went through all of the instructions and diagrams, I’m completely confident in my abilities to screw this up.

Says it takes about three hours, I’m setting the over/under on my successful completion time at four days.

You have something else to drive meantime, right?

I'll have my bike bits done before your bumper (slip-on mufflers, a new seat, and a windscreen.)

And I may have to work again this Saturday.

Definitely if I pull two days off in a row . . . . ;););)

Yeah, no shortage of things to drive. In a pinch I can take the big truck, but it’s not winter so the Mustang is allowed out of the garage.

It should be an interesting project, hopefully the wiring is plug and play for the lights!
I hated the bloated Amazon app so I immediately deleted it.

The deleted app is giving me shipping updates on my phone. I'm pleased to see my O2 sensor spacer and trim push-pin package shipped, but irritated that uninstalled does not mean uninstalled.
I hated the bloated Amazon app so I immediately deleted it.

The deleted app is giving me shipping updates on my phone. I'm pleased to see my O2 sensor spacer and trim push-pin package shipped, but irritated that uninstalled does not mean uninstalled.

Disable push notifications.
Most wiring stuff I have bought is plug-n-play.

My LED turn signals, I had to run the flashers for 3 minutes so they'd flash at normal speed.

Counter-intuitive, but it was in the instructions, so I did it.

Most of these goodies have decent instructions, not like some of the crap I've seen.

Yeah, the bumper, frame kit, and intercooler relocation kit I got from A.D.D., the instructions appear to have been written by someone whose native language might actually be English.

I’m removing a light bar so the new one will hopefully hook right up to that.

How hard could it be?
Here's how hard it could be...

Four days might be a bit optimistic.

By the time I exchanged the wrong color paint
for the color I asked for, I only got a small piece of the porch painted.
I need to knock out some more today; I'm not in any hurry to get it done,
so as soon as I start sweating too much, I'll be "cleaning" the pool...

Good morning!!!! It's "Range Day Wednesday" again.

Got some penetrating oil around to get the old stuff off with?
I saturated everything with fluid film yesterday afternoon when I put it in the barn and again later in the evening, sort of a preemptive strike.

A big hammer.

A really long ratchet handle . . . with the obligatory cheater pipe.

And a cutting torch for when you really mean business . . . .



Nothing like preemptive strikes. :)

Look at all the "project" go getter's. Why don't you wait until it gets really hot? :D
That's why I just take it to the guy.

A Japanese-German who specializes in American cars. Go figure...
I am tempted to put the job off until August,
but I think I'll just get it done so that I can
enjoy the rest of my summer poolside
with a cerveza and lime...