TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Today shall consist of riding the fence line, motion detector went off and showed a big shadow moving around by the barn last night, I’m thinking I’ve got another bear. Stupid animals!

Forks are imperative for a bobcat because you can get palletized freight deliveries, like bumpers and such.

First things first, coffee!
I drink my coffee black, I don’t think that’s going to make a man of me though.

Maybe Wat just needs a bag of better coffee?
Note that I didn't say that it will make a man out of you,
I talked about what men actually do...

;) ;) :p
True enough!

Men do a lot of strange things, though.

Drinking half and half that’s gone over, for instance.
Nah, Wat needs coffee like he does coffee. It's an enhancement, not a cover-up, because it usually gets drunk black if'n there's nothing for it.

But this is the on-the-road pot/maker, and it lacks a certain je ne said quoi.

Maybe file some edges on the forks and go out to skewer some b'ar.

The 21st century version of Wade Hampton bear hunting . . . .



Good morning folks.

A nice, fairly cool, and quiet morning. Time to go pour that first cup, black.
I don’t know about skewering one, but I’d imagine the forks would come in handy for moving said trespassing bear should it suffer any sort of “accident”.

“I didn’t want to shoot it, but I was in fear for my safety.”
Yes, moving its big dead ass would be easier with forks.

On this date in 1873, the James Gang pulled off the first successful train robbery, thereby setting off a train of copycats and shitty movie subjects. Damn them all, and it's a good thing that they're all dead.

That damned b'ar was tryin' to rob my train!!! :mad:

Hell was on that train, tryin' to come to breakfast . . . .



True enough but every farm house had a storm cellar and all of them within a 1/2 mile of 75 "decorated" them and plastered a sign along the highway. Just some extra "egg money" ya know.
Extra money is always a good thing to have coming in. Even as a kid I found it amusing though. There were more signs advertising "Jesse James Hideouts" than there were Burma Shave signs. :)
My favorite Quickie Mart cashier was back on the job yesterday. Well in advance of the end of the Federal UI kicker.

I'm very happy to have my morning coffee served with some sass again.
And another thing: masks are required in WV, so the meth girls are finally getting some dates.

It's a plot by ugly people to level the playing field.

It has made me acutely aware of my handsome privilege. I'm willing to make the sacrifice and rely strictly on hiw personable I am.
Why don’t I have a storm cellar?

I have a basement, but a separate storm shelter I could turn into a bunker!

I have to research this now, I hope you people are happy.