TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

It's about bedtime here. I had to unclog a couple of drains, so a trip to the store was in order before bed.

A "couple" of drains sounds like trouble. Tree root or the kid flushed a toy sorta trouble.

I had a toilet one time it just would not stay clear and I would auger it out it would be fine and it would backup again finally I Humboldt at the whole thing and I found this McDonald's Happy meal toy stuck in the pipe that had a wing or lever or something that would flip out when you press some portion of the toy so it would be fine for a little bit and then that thing would flip back out. Was like an automatic joke toilet.
The Golf Course Nazis hollared at me yesterday. We had six in our group instead of the proper four. Two holes in front and two holes behind were open. But technically, the Golf Course Nazi was right. Two of us should have held back 200 yards.

Because I'm butthurt about the strict enforcement of a rule, I'm withholding my financial support of the annual tournament that raises money for course equipment next weekend.


Forgive your enemies, but remember their names.
What’s wrong with having a bobcat with forks? I also have a grapple bucket for it.

They’re handy to have!
They're envious, Petal.

Home/scrotel13. I think that this will be my only night staying here on this abbreviated week. Grazed in on luncheon leftovers, the plan du jour.

I need to make a list of shit to do on Friday so that it all gets accomplished. Saturady is packing and Sunday, we blow town.

Lotsa Jabbas tomorrow. All the Jabbas . . . .



Ah, that’s right, vacation next week! Enjoy!

The bobcat came with the property. I bought the grapple bucket. :D
Ah, that’s right, vacation next week! Enjoy!

The bobcat came with the property. I bought the grapple bucket. :D

Yep, and looking forward to it, even if it does involve travelling with Dear Old Mom.

It'll be a nice break from the Jabbas.

I got the weird feeling today that there might be a transfer coming.

I wonder . . . .


Afternoon folks.

Ever notice that when scattered T'storms are forecast they scatter everywhere except where you're at. Unless you have an outdoor event planned, then they congregate.
If not for my homemade sprinkler system my yard would be a desert.

It’s funny, yesterday we had really bad thunderstorms in the area, took power from downtown and half the town for the day, some still don’t have it back, reports of a tornado, etc...

It rained here for about five minutes. :(
Looks like we're cheated out of our t-storm tonight.

And to think we had frost in May, fucking hot as it is.

We had a tad of rain on Fri. night, nada here since then. The probabilities jump up starting tomorrow.
Nobody around to see anyways!

I could drive the ranger down to check the mail naked and nobody would notice. The corn fields don’t mind, and the deer quit paying me any attention at all. I swear they have calendars and know when opening day is.
What’s wrong with having a bobcat with forks? I also have a grapple bucket for it.

They’re handy to have!

Not a thing. I was expressing envy.

Hell, I'd settle for having a concrete slab.

Years ago when I had a VW Bug I worked at a steel fabrication shop. Used to opertate a great big Hyster with 8ft forks and we had a little shop forklift that ran on propane. I had snapped the adjusting rod on my select-a-drop suspension so I just ran the Bug into the shop, grabbed the forklift and lifted the whole front of the car so I could get to it.
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Nobody around to see anyways!

I could drive the ranger down to check the mail naked and nobody would notice. The corn fields don’t mind, and the deer quit paying me any attention at all. I swear they have calendars and know when opening day is.

Got a second story balcony?
Afternoon folks.

Ever notice that when scattered T'storms are forecast they scatter everywhere except where you're at. Unless you have an outdoor event planned, then they congregate.

I spent the day sorting tomatoes and processing a bunch of them for sauce.
Nice, clear day, even went out and harvested a whole lot more.
(Discovered that the weed, which I thought was wild blackberry/hawthorn
growing in an old oak stump is actually domestic, which is strange since
the blackberries are growing way up on the hill; I assume a bird poop planting.)
Then I went out to clean the pool and the forecast widely scattered T-storms
suddenly turned the sky pitch black, the wind picked up, the acorns came
down like rain and thunder rolled in. I got out of the pool which now needs
to be cleaned even more than ever, but the storms stayed all afternoon.

I didn't even try to install the ceiling fan because the electricity began to flicker
on and off and I thought, well, I'm not going to finish this in the dark...

So, I made sauce and guacamole to go with beans, Spanish rice and other fixings.
The garden-fresh jalapeño was a very nice touch.

So, today, pool and ceiling fan.


Nobody around to see anyways!

I could drive the ranger down to check the mail naked and nobody would notice. The corn fields don’t mind, and the deer quit paying me any attention at all. I swear they have calendars and know when opening day is.

And they know where they will not be hunted.

;) ;)
No, I mean in season which is why they hang out in my neighborhood,
not to mention in what passes for the suburbs around the town here
where the local college community is moved to apoplexy if you even
suggest that for their own health, you go in and cull them by bow.
Around here, it’s a miracle they don’t go extinct on opening day. It’s a holiday, they even close school.
Happy Tuesday!!!

We have all the Jabbas today, and the architect and the gummint agency inspector, or two. I reckon the Jabbas can handle it. Probably poorly. Wat'll have things to do.

The heat will also be in attendance. Allegedly, t-storms will make their way in this afternoon, but they need to do a better job than that piss-ant little threat we had yesterday.

My half-and-half has turned on me, but not enough not to get me through this pot of coffee.


