TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Afternoon all.

You need a project, start on that bunker ASAP. And in your planning don't forget that the entrance should be well disguised.
Someone will require a backhoe before she knows it, too.

Home with the cat. That's enough scrotel time what was spent last night. Grazing in.

Stopped and got new half-n-half for the morning's coffee. This one is here at the house, so it'll get used up unless the power goes off for a lengthy time.

The heat really zapped Wat today, but the architect drank the Jabba Koolaid and signed off on 10 buildings as "substantially complete." They could stand to be a bit more substantial . . . .



A backhoe will come in handy. And don't get too many others involved, you'll have to kill them to keep it secret. :)
Wat fucked with 'hoes on the job from time to time. An old guy - he was 36 or 37 - showed me a thing to three.

One day, I got on the thing and it made sense.

At one point a couple of years later, I was pretty fucking good at it.

And that was a long Allah damn time ago . . . .



So I joined this century.

The last time I bought anything from Amazon they were a weird little company with an odd name for a bookseller.

I've left at least two years of free phone upgrades on the table because the phone I have does everything I needed to do. You can't buy a case for it anymore though and I needed new one.

Because I have no bills and I rarely check my mail I had not been back to my mail drop for a couple of months. On that occasion when I was expecting something that didn't show up I managed to lose my keys. I had called down there but no luck. Some of the keys on that key ring I have no replacements for. I do have a spare safe deposit box key however losing that one would be rather costly because when, and if I close out my box they're going to charge me $50 from losing that key.

Not only were several of my Amazon purchases there, they dug through their lost and found and long behold my keys were there. Huzzah!

The day I lost the keys I had a couple of thousand dollars cash sitting on the counter and not only did I forget to lock my front door I had left it slightly a jar. When I got home with no keys that was fortunate so I bought a new deadbolt and door knob in installed them.

I'm thrilled to get my keys back. I need to catalog them make sure I have an extra set and get everything labeled properly.

I ordered some Blue Devil Headgasket Sealant to see if I can address the minor head gasket leak that I have. It's not affecting performance but it's pushing coolant into the radiator. Newt Amazon and who actually reads directions I didn't realize that I had bought it from an outside vendor and it wasn't going to ship next day. The expected delivery date is in August. Within an hour I sent them and note telling him nevermind cancel that. Three days later they shipped it anyway having never responded to my note. Looks like it'll probably be here much sooner than promise so it probably isn't an issue but I had sent them meter snowed about them ignoring my cancellation.

They actually apologized and refunded it in for full with $60-70 of product, plus shipping still enroute to me. Which is way more than I asked for. I feel a little guilty. I sent them an effusive apology and thanks. If it gets here in time for me to use it I will if not I'll see if I can find someone that can use it.
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Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! This is the one that keeps the paydays from bumping into each other.

Yeah, it's gonna be hot as all diddlefuck again today. At least we got some rain last night, thanks be to Allah. The new rose bush is losing all its blooms but seems to have pretty green leaves, which is important. It seems to be . . . stabilizing.

Got a bike auto-tune ride to take this Friday, I hope. That should be fun.

And got this coffee here-n-now. It's gonna get 'er done . . . .



I would imagine that the level of debauchery would get out of hand if paydays were to butt up against each other.
Good coffee
Good morning
Ceiling fan installed in one try
I hate it when it's all in place and one wire has come loose.
This did not happen, life is good. Today maybe power wash some porch
to ascertain the level of wood rot and whether to repair, replace or a bit of both...
There is plenty of squandering no matter the payday placement.

Wat has a ceiling fan to hang.

Hell, it hasn't gotten done in 14 years, so it can wait a few more weeks.

:D :eek: :rolleyes:

The new one is so much brighter than the old one,
but no smarter, just like our louder posters here...

:D ;) ;)
The two fans remind me of the old, and by today's standards,
highly offensive Italian helicopter joke:

The new one has big blades that go wop wop wop wop
and the old one had more, but smaller blades
that went Diego, Diego, Diego...


I might use some of my new sauce to make spaghetti today. :cool:

Wat has a ceiling fan to hang.

Hell, it hasn't gotten done in 14 years, so it can wait a few more weeks.

I have a Volvo to repair. My son-in-law was driving it on his third party insurance when it was squashed between two trucks ripping the front bumper and grille off and smashing a headlight.

That happened just before Christmas. I bought the parts, secondhand on eBay. I tried four local repairers. None came to look at it and then the lockdown happened. I tried a fifth. They looked, said they couldn't do it but suggested someone who could.

That one came yesterday and said he could do it for £800 including a new battery. The old one died and will not hold a charge. He will also get it through a new roadworthness test.

It will be collected on Monday. It has been sitting on my drive for over six months, still taxed and insured but I couldn't use it.

I am very pleased that it will be fixed - at last.
Good morning. I slept in!

Got a notice that the rear bumper shipped along with some other bits I added to the order when they back ordered it. That should be at least easier than the front! I’m giving up on the bunker idea, seems like a lot of work. There’s already not a house for a mile in any direction.

Thought about painting the house camouflage?

Cover it in impressionistic trees?


Oh, and disguise the drive.
Nah, I’m pretty sure the only people that know I’m here are a couple farmers and some delivery people.

I’m safe enough.