TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Changing the subject a bit. Trolls are bad enough but really, really stupid trolls that start threads just burn up bandwidth. :rolleyes:
I put webemoron on ignore. I'm sure it will return once more even dumber than before.

Off to the big box store before a line forms.
I feel pretty much down for the count.

I wanted a block of cheese spread
and they sent me these tiny Velveeta™ packages.
Not even enough for one big batch of bean dip.

Hand washing joke.

A Sergeant and a Captain were were both taking a piss in the PX latrine. The Sergeant finished first and started to walk out.

The Captain asked him, "Did you go to NCO academy Sergeant?"

"Yes sir." the Sergeant replied.

"Didn't they teach you to wash your hands after taking a piss?" asked the Captain.

"No sir. They taught us not to piss on our hands."
Old joke even used by Samuel L. Jackson in The Negotiator,
which, btw, is a very good movie. The perv Kevin Spacey
really was a very talented actor, maybe the perv
part assisted him in that regard.

Today is the 25th anniversary of Timmy McVeigh striking a blow for libertarianism in Oklahoma City.

What a shame SpeareChucker is quarantined and cannot get out to celebrate this important milestone in the libertarian movement.
Now that I'm pretty much forced to wear a mask everywhere I go perhaps it's time I start interviewing for a faithful Indian companion.
Happy Lexington and Concord Day. How 'bout the grenadiers that Granny captured???

I'ma go out here innaminnit and change some bike shit around. Because I can.

And then I'ma go off and add 'bout a hunyet miles to its break-in.

What was it those damned kids did at Waco again, you know, that thing that merited a good incineration????


I am not a fan of hot house tomatoes, either.I look forward to fresh ones out of the garden.

The problem with the critters is they see all the hollers as theirs. Which reminds me, I have to figure out how to keep the deer out of the garden.

I enjoy eating tomatoes off the vine in the greenhouse. They taste different than the tomatoes we get from the store up here. Even better than the ones from commercial greenhouses.
Bike did well. It was a beautiful day for a ride, and it seems that lots of scooter folks agreed.

The new parts work nicely. This seat is a home run. I thought it might be lacking a bit of padding, but I was in good shape when I got back in. The windshield was a good improvement over stock, too.

I still wanna be behind it and get that perspective on the pipes. Maybe one day.

Meanwhile, a bit of Quiet Time seems to be in order.

Glad you had a good ride Wat.

I whittled away at some yard work and got some plants in. I need to track down a couple more plants that I want and I should have my spring planting done.

I'm thinking of heading out to the range tomorrow, I've got a couple of things I'd like to get done out there as long as the weather is nice.
I took a little nap because I could. I sat on the porch a while. The apple tree is in bloom and those blossoms smell lovely.