TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

It was the dog.

Unclean beast.
She was funny yesterday.
Found something to get stung by
and got that swollen muzzle look and a dose of Benadryl...
Check carefully, maybe you WERE hit by a truck. :D Or the queen took a baseball bat to you while you slept.

The rains finally arrived, kinda soggy out there.
No bruises, no pain, just groggy and kinda pissed at the damned dog.
Of course, it does no good to get pissed at a dachshund;
they even thrive on negative attention.
I think they post here...
All I usually blame dummy dog for is drinking my coffee, I don’t know where it disappears to.

He spent a half hour circling and barking up a tree yesterday. That sort of energy isn’t natural.
The dachshunds used to do that, barking up a tree, ten years ago.

Now they just bark at the driveway alarm...
Happy Friday!!!

Wat slept in a bit and then had an early morning phone call. That can be a bit challenging on the first cuppa. One advantage of living alone is not having to create any coherent human interaction before full coffee consumption. And blood pressure meds . . . .

Got a few tidbits on the list to do. Got a bank deposit for the volunteer organization and two packages to return to UPS to ship back. Of course, they're Hell and gone across town. The FedEx ones are close to Wat. FML.

And then a bike ride, rain possibility be damned . . . .



We're lucky in this town.
At the old strip mall, they have a store
that lets you drop off any sort of mail/package
and delegates it to the proper delivery organization
even if it is the disorganization of the USPS that we subsidize...
My recently delivered box of 9mm hardball - 500 more rounds, rattled. It was packed to ship fer shit and appears to have been dropped.

So it's more like 500 rounds loose-filled in a big box with some little boxes floating around in there.

I think I can reassemble 8 boxes of 50, so that'll do. I'll fill mags with the rest.

You can never have too many rounds of ammo . . . .



I usually order the 1k round cases of Federal 5.56, they’re loose in a big bag inside the case.

Not the neatest way to ship, but I’d imagine it keeps costs down.
Election Thought:

Do the officers men are willing to die for
the ones leading the charge or the ones
issuing orders from the rear moving up
only when the objective has been secured?

Is that not just a basement strategy
but an echo of the Obama boast:
We'll lead from behind?

At any rate, I have to go see the doctor.
Just a checkup, so Libs,
no cork-popping...

Con's Prius gets better fuel nileage than Wat's Harley fucking Davidson. Either of them.

I'm thinking that the big bike is really a candidate for the tuner add-on. But not now.

Packages are ready to ship and the bank deposit has been gathered.

Remind me to dump this briefcase and then "reload" it before I fly, just in case a stray 9mm found its way inside . . . .


