TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

They destroyed a box of driveway reflectors and blocked the door with the fire extinguisher.

I think they were launching over that wreckage and into the door.

Idiot fucking dogs.

Never again...

I'd say that you didn't train them well enough...................then again I've yet to see a trained dog act out there featuring dachy's. There might be one, but I haven't seen it yet.
For years they have been trained to wait patiently behind the gate until let out.

Then they started gate crashing so the door started being shut.

Now they are door pounding.

I can't train them in my sleep and they only do this when I am asleep...

Now they're asleep and I just want to take a baseball bat to them.
(But I would never do that; I just want to...)


Play Ball!
The weiner dog races is the only "act" I can think of.

Got the 9 cleaned-n-oiled. Fucking deluge. I dumped the mags and oiled them, too.

Rust never sleeps.

So we lit a bit of josh. Story has it there be protests today. :rolleyes:



Got the other 9 out for today's outings-n-shit.

Made in West Germany . . . . Place doesn't even exist any more, kinda like the CSA.

Today's weather looks better. Less rain.

Gotta start packing here directly . . . .



We got a good rain here last night. Started about 11PM and lasted for an hour. Should be muggy today so I probably should open the vault and liberally apply oil.

Also need to run out this AM and replenish my Corona stash. :)
I never packed anything from East Germany.

I'ma go shopping for heads-n-cams for the new bike. Websites.

It beats getting dressed.

I cunt believ that all-y'all ain't dissed that funny-looking "chomper." Indian Larry is laughing up the cosmos 'bout dat one . . . .


I'm trying to rationalize calling it a night before dawn breaks.

Six to four-twenty is a solid 10 hours. . Except come to think of it I don't think I got rollin' until about 7 and then there was that 20-minute nap that turned into an hour. . .

Okay that's a solid 8 hours.

Oh. Then there was a little shopping trip where I picked up the 8 gallons of distilled water for my upcoming coolant project.


nearly 8 hours

The car obviously knew what I was thinking because she took me within a couple of blocks from my house. Dropped off the water can you let see if I can get my second wind.
I’m actually in the northern half of the lower peninsula, a bit south of Alpena. I spend most of my time here, it’s quiet and I like the space.

I’ve only been to the U.P. a couple of times, it may be TOO quiet up there for me!

I hunt in the back yard. :D

I used to think that the cottage was too quiet but the more time I spent with people the less i thought that. I know where Alpena is because of weather reports but I've never been there, I tend to make a straight run and get the border crossings done as quickly as possible. I can hunt whitetail, rabbit, coyote and snapper at the cottage but moose and black bear require me to go further north and to save headaches I take the long way back rather than trying to get raw meat across the border.

Currently further south they are having issues with the boaters and beaches. As you know the closed border really isn't but if they start fining or arresting people it will make the news and cause a bunch of political headaches. One of the hardest hit areas belong to some Canadian reservations and they're currently trying to figure out what to do short of putting gunshot holes in the side of the boats.
Probably should have just called it a night. There's no reason I couldn't simply waited at home to see if I got any calls but I knew what that was the to so I left and sat at a gas station a couple of miles away. Nothing for at least a half an hour if not 40 minutes. Had a nice chat with a comely lass who was watering the plants at the gas station with a bucket.

Did a little work, emphasis on little, content that I saw the dawn.
Home from the salt mines. They weren't as salty as last week so that was good. Now I'm trying to decide if I want a nap, or if I just want to start the day. A nap would be the smart move, but I ain't never been accused of being smart.

Oh and I ain't done this in a while so:
TP is at 10 rolls
paper towels are at zero,
pantry levels are 60%
ammo is 142% over par values
$137.92 in coin is being held safely in the mason jars until we see how this coin apocalypse shakes out.
Hoard your beer in cans, there be a can shortage now too. But just beer cans...wtheck
I should get to work, but I absolutely lack any and all motivation.
I reckon I'll at least get out and hoe the garden eventually...
Ya oughta teach the Dachys to pull wee little weed weasels through the garden

do they still make weed weasels?
I have one somewhere.
They really don't work all that well unless it's on freshly tilled dirt
and there's really not much need for that.
Also, dachshunds don't do straight lines.
It's funny to watch them pack attack,
the pack is going in a straight line to its target
but none of the individual dogs are...
Dad had a dachshund, for which I was to blame (b-day present). Dad loved his attitude; called him the meanest lil sumbitch in the county, for which Dad was to blame, he encouraged the feisty in that dog, as if you need to do that with that breed.
They might weed weasel you an interestingly shaped flower garden...or not.
I don't need the tomatoes rearranged and the strawberries plowed up...

I went out at fist light to try and beat the squirrels to the blackberries.

No luck. This is the first year that this has been a problem.

I need to get that squirrel before it teaches others.