TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Why did the Air Force have them?

Calvary wing?

Towing planes into the sky like kites?

Trying to keep up with the Soviets?
Allegedly for patrolling some of their more expansive holding's. Under specific circumstances it actually makes sense. A UH-60 costs upwards of $25K/flt. hr. The old lowly Huey runs $13K/flt. hr. Horses start to look very economical.
I'd be looking at four-wheelers...

Just like farmers and ranchers.
Horses are certainly not economical.
They're just fun and that's why they keep them.
There are places that even ATV's can't go. Out here ranchers still use horses and not just for fun. Mules and Llama are still used for pack animals as well.
Then let them walk their beat after getting as close to it as they can.

Give the horses a break...
I'm on my first cup of coffee. And I keep going back to the skunk post and laughing. Is it because I'm not awake yet? we can't be sure.
Well, the "aroma" has wafted away. I'm going to get that SOB.

The pre-mowing preparations are complete. The only thing left is to decide at what time I want to fire up the mower and irritate the shit out of the neighbors. :)
Sunday July 26, 2020: Who will experience more loathing from neighbors, the skunk, or the person mowing the lawn at o dark thirty?
Oddly enough I don't think either of us cares. Not my fault if the neighbors can't rouse themselves at a reasonable hour. :)
This is why I love where I live. We do things at odd hours and nobody lives close enough to care.
Here in the Southland - again. Flights were decent. Travellers are light. Planes weren't crowded at all - two/thirds occupancy at best. Seven thirty sevens are 6 across and they don't seat the middle seat, either side. Just about how I like it.

A couple of us were chatting Friday night in the parking lot when I saw what I thought was a cat wandering alog the fence. Upon second glance, it was a skunk. The guy I was talking to advised we high-tail it, but I pointed out that he was miding his own business and suggested we mind our. He left us be. I hadn't seen one alive on the hoof before.

I still laugh at the pink Afghan story.

View is over the river from the ninth floor. There's a storm rolling in. Nearly ready to hit the shower and go to meet someone.



Arriving alive is always a good thing.

It's threatening to rain, which probably means it won't.

Lots of police activity today accompanied by fire and rescue. I guess they're playing bumper cars up on I-40 again.
I drained the coolant igloo (man that holds the heat, hours later!) and radiator tonight and removed the thermostat. I recovered the coolant so animals don't get into it and this way when I run the radiator flush with distilled water tomorrow I can just drain that into the street.

Manage to lose one of the thermostat housing nuts. I had it, was finessing it over a rat's nest of lines and wires and it disappeared. Type Road everywhere with a magnet and no luck. The Honda is blocked by the Prius so I was going to hike down to Napa, but upon reflection, I can probably borrow a nut from some other part of the car.

I went down to the mail drop to get my supplies for this little job only to realize I don't know what I've done to the key to the front door to the mail drop and it's not open on Sunday you have to let yourself in. New radiator hoses are supposed to arrive tomorrow so I was going to delay slightly anyway but I wanted to do half the job tonight.

And morning, btw.
My morning is more screwed up than that. No water.
Blown fuse. Replaced. Blown. Replaced. Blown.

Now I get to call in an electrician.
This is not my wheelhouse.