TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Morning BT.

Back from my little trip to the store. Thanks for the heads up on the cans, they're safely stored in the fridge. I'll mount the hasp and pad lock later. :)
I don't need the tomatoes rearranged and the strawberries plowed up...

I went out at fist light to try and beat the squirrels to the blackberries.

No luck. This is the first year that this has been a problem.

I need to get that squirrel before it teaches others.
It's good to have goals in your sunset years. I wish you well on your visionquest.
Home. Breakfast had out with friend. It was a good visit.

Cat is on my lap nuzzling the Van Dyke. It's almost as funny as when he nose-bumps me.

The Auto-Tune seems to have worked. The back-firing on deceleration has stopped and is replaced with a very pleasing burble. I like it. Now to figure out how to tell me the tidbits which I want to know while driving, like air-fuel ratios. I already have a speeding metter, tyvm.

Got a call or two to make and some stuff to pack.



Oh, past packing and taking out some trash, I'm done until Friday.

There will be Wanton Time Squandering in my near future, starting when I shut down this piece of shit and load it.

Because you lot won't be done with me that easily.

I know you're crushed . . . .


Poor taste in paint schemes.

His builds are quite classic and show the . . . gizmo-ness.

Off . . . .

Good afternoon everyone.

It can't decide whether it's going to rain some more or not. Doesn't matter either way, I still have to mow the damn yard tomorrow.
I felt a little under the weather yesterday and settled down with a good book
and ended up sleeping about nine hours, but I feel so much better now and
I still have a lot of book to look forward to. I hope it's a dry day.
I still have ongoing porch work.
I left the vines up too long and now have to battle some wood rot.
It's not bad enough to replace, but bad enough that I have to fill in by layers...
If you aren't out to impress the neighbors use marine bottom paint. Won't have to worry about vines for several years. :)
For the most part, outside the dead of winter (all two weeks of it),
the neighbors can't see me at all...
Battleship grey with deep maroon railings over white baseboards
soon to be reclaimed by the ivy, jasmine and clematis.

I swear if you watch carefully,
you can see it grow...
I actually like the vines, they are very picturesque...

I'm just going to three-coat the paint this time,
try to make it at least five years.
In five years, who knows?