TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

That somewhere doesn't seem to be in the basement.
At first light, I'll go out and look for any signs of damage...

I am at a loss.
I am comfortable with any wiring other than at the main point of electricity,
for that, my go-to repair move is to call 'the guy.'

Pressure switches rarely short out, they generally just quit working. Not to say they can't short out, it's just rare.

If the pump went when energized it can put an inductive kick back up the line that can damage electronics. I suspect it's the pump.
I like to figure things out on my own sometimes, especially when it’s one of those basic necessity things. It’s a crazy world, you never know.
Pressure switches rarely short out, they generally just quit working. Not to say they can't short out, it's just rare.

If the pump went when energized it can put an inductive kick back up the line that can damage electronics. I suspect it's the pump.

Mine melted when lightning struck in the yard either at or near the well head.

It wasn’t pretty, and it killed a huge oak tree!
Still, I mean thanks for all the help and information,
but I still don't see how that ties in with the television
not being able to hold a picture for more than a fraction
of a second at a time, and who knows what else might not
be functioning; until everyone wakes up, I can't take inventory...
Still, I mean thanks for all the help and information,
but I still don't see how that ties in with the television
not being able to hold a picture for more than a fraction
of a second at a time, and who knows what else might not
be functioning; until everyone wakes up, I can't take inventory...

Well don’t electrocute yourself!
A near direct hit can certainly do it as in your case. And there is usually significant, and readily apparent, physical damage in that instance.
I'm just going to take a look outside,
check the upstairs television and clocks,
thinks like that...

Of course, at a time like this, the toilets are a big problem.
At least I can haul in pool water to flush them.
A near direct hit can certainly do it as in your case. And there is usually significant, and readily apparent, physical damage in that instance.

Yes, that is why I'm patiently awaiting first light,
which is a poor excuse, I could go out with the flashlight,
but it's not really a big, powerful one for outdoor use.
Yes, that is why I'm patiently awaiting first light,
which is a poor excuse, I could go out with the flashlight,
but it's not really a big, powerful one for outdoor use.

Good thinking. Water, electricity, and darkness are not good combinations.
Ah, remember the "good old days" when you just went outside and pumped the handle? :D

The grandparents had one, but by the time I was old enough,
they had already switched over to public water, but
the great-grandparents house and theirs still
had working pumps. In the old house,
which we rented out to the poor,
the pump was the only water.

;) ;)

They even had to use the old outhouse.
Eventually, the city annexed us and made us change that...
Yes, that is why I'm patiently awaiting first light,
which is a poor excuse, I could go out with the flashlight,
but it's not really a big, powerful one for outdoor use.

I'm going to wear out the flash on my phone. I can never find a flashlight because I so infrequently use.them because I rarely need one for anything more than a quick peek. When I need something for more than a peek I'm stuck using the phone because I can't find the flashlight. I recently found the light bar that I bought when I rebuilt my oldest daughters Integra at night in the summertime but I have no idea where the charger is for it.

All that climbing under the car I did tonight I did with my phone. Which isn't very bright. I mean intelligent, the phone illuminates fine, it's just not a bright thing to do. Got coolant all over the case.

The case that I just joined Amazon to buy because I don't want to change the phone which I'm about to ruin because of how I use it.
I'm going to wear pug the flash on my phone. So I can never find a flashlight because I so in frequently used them because I really need one for anything more than a quick peek when I need something for more than a peek I'm stuck using the phone because I can't find the flashlight. I recently found the light bar that I bought when I rebuilt my oldest daughters Integra at night in the summertime but I have no idea where the charger is for it.

All that climbing under the car I did tonight I did with my phone. Which isn't very bright. I mean intelligent the light is Brighton off it's just not a bright thing to do. Got coolant all over the case.

The case that I just joined Amazon to buy because I don't want to change the phone which I'm about to ruin because of how I use it.

Should have followed SC’s lead and taken it to “the guy”.

Or scrapped it.
No damage outside.
I gave it one more try, one more fuse.
I did not blow the fuse. I blew the grey box that either is
or controls, the pump. It is smoking now, so I call a well guy, not an electrician.

Lord knows how long that will take...
Should have followed SC’s lead and taken it to “the guy”.

Or scrapped it.

Not scrapping her.

Can't take her to the guy; he'll tell me to scrap her.

The crazy thing about this car is it loves to run. All I have to do is make sure it has a appropriate level of fluids and I can drive 12 hours two or three hundred miles and the gives me know trouble at all.

Well until she does.

But then I get whatever that is fixed and she's trouble free!

Until she's not.

This is the only car I've ever owned that has gone up in value as I've owned it and put huge miles on it. I bought this car for 2 grand and these days it can't be replaced for 8 grand because people have figured out how durable these things are, and how much better they are then the nextgen.

My first 100,000 miles I did for 8c a mile including buying the car, gas, oil, tires, and maintenance. Shoulda bought five of them and sold each in turn every 100,000 miles.

I promised her I will get her to 500,000 miles if I have to push her. I'm seriously thinking of trying to get her to a million miles just for bragging rights. I definitely would if this was just something I was driving around the country like some crazy retired gypsy. As my former fleet manager politely pointed out to me the last time he told me to scrap her it's not really worth it if I've got down time.

But I'm sentimental.

And stubborn.
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