TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

No idea what I spend per mile, I’m betting it’s more than that though, I drive gas guzzlers with superchargers and such.

Good for you!
No idea what I spend per mile, I’m betting it’s more than that though, I drive gas guzzlers with superchargers and such.

Good for you!

Not chastising you but you spend more than bumpers than I spend on cars!

Part of its I'm cheap and part of it I've always resent it the entire concept of planned obsolescence. It's silly that we replace things when they are rebuildable.

Some kind of superstitious to. When I smacked that tire and ended up ruining a lower control arm at a cost of $432 I was whipping into a gas station to buy an Autotrader to buy another Prius.

A sane man would take that as a sign that I should scrap her. I took it as a sign that I should rebuild her.

Have actually got a guy that can get me a car. He's the guy that got me this one. He's offered me to both of which I said yes to both of which he is sort of embarrassed that he got a better offer and off loaded them somewhere else. One was the big heavy Prius V but gen III for I think about 5800 and one was a gen II for 4900. I didn't actually argue with him on price that's just what he offered him to meet for but then he did the automotive equivalent of s double escrow with them before he got them into town.
None, but I doubt if it is too deep seeing where we live.

I just flushed a toilet with pool water.

This just sucks.

Well, there's "first water" then there's "good water." In S. FL. you hit "first water" at 8' or so, but it's not fit for anything beyond watering the lawn and turning your house a rust color. "Good water" is substantially deeper.
Well, there's "first water" then there's "good water." In S. FL. you hit "first water" at 8' or so, but it's not fit for anything beyond watering the lawn and turning your house a rust color. "Good water" is substantially deeper.

Here we hit water at around 12’, if I remember correctly my deep well is 165’.
Well, there's "first water" then there's "good water." In S. FL. you hit "first water" at 8' or so, but it's not fit for anything beyond watering the lawn and turning your house a rust color. "Good water" is substantially deeper.

We've had it tested and we have good water
but I have no idea as to how deep.
The well has been here since the 70s as far as I know.
Lovely quiet morning so far.

I've left the relatives alone for the moment.

Sleeping dogs and sich . . . .

Doing some good bike bits shopping. Online. Haven't spent a nickel.



When the Covid struck, all my household help abandoned me. I spent the weekend cleaning and swiffering the house. I may figure out the lawn mower today.
When the Covid struck, all my household help abandoned me. I spent the weekend cleaning and swiffering the house. I may figure out the lawn mower today.

All our household helps kept coming even if I had to retreat upstairs out of their way. They need the money...
Much to my surprise, the Prius is substantially nut-less. Everything seems to be fast and on with a bolt rather than a nut.

I finally find enough the appropriate size mounting the windshield washer fluid reservoir. I get the nut most of the way off before I realize that is not a washer, it is a flared hot-water combo dealio.

I get the magnets out and go to work again in the daylight now. While I'm rummaging around a glint catches my eye and there's this little slot below the air conditioning compressor up against the block above the oil pan and there she is, resting in a slot that looks like it was designed to hold 'er.

I snug my nuts up and begin the process of trying to get 2-gallons of coolant in. You would think with no thermostat in the way that's would be a relatively quick and straightforward process. You would be wrong.

I bleed the igloo the best I can, but that valve only opens for a brief time when you're turning the engine off so you have to turn the car on, convince it you mean it, and then off to get that pump to kick on. Really, I should figure out where it is and jumper the power.

The kinky cool(ant) system has a threeway (valve) set determines who gets the worm. So you got a cycle through the heater and out of the heater on in off the car all trying to get coolant to circulate everywhere and get the air bubbles out. Which don't want to come out of the Schiff-neck for the radiator fill tube.

Massaging the radiator hoses does more good than running the pumps it seems so now I got it running in test mode with a big filled funnel on it hoping for the best. Surprisingly, no leaks from the thermostat housing. The gasket is interval to the thermostat so I thought I might have to use for my gasket temporarily until I get around to putting the new thermostat in but it turns out I don't need it.
A deluge is forecast with flash flood warnings and all that goes with them. So far..............nada. But this being high country the saying goes, "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes, it'll change."