TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

She made it 150 miles of errands and dropping the small one off in 113° heat on distilled water and the radiator flush that did not leak out of the bottle in shipping. Burned off about a pint and just started teasinf the red triangle of death about 10 miles from home, so I killed the AC and got 'er home. Flushed all that out with a hose, then flushed the city water with distilled over ice.

Instructions say to trickle the head gasket repair into a cold engine so I'll take a nap and when I wake up and I'll have a warm engine still because Arizona.

There is something wrong with my proximity system. That's probably why the key wont work, but my old fleet manager could not get it to read the tpms on the new(ish) rim. Probably going to repair that with some electrical tape over the idiot light and the check at your own damn self before you take off tire pressure monitoring system
I had to buy a programmer to edit my TPMS sensors because my tires normal pressure is lower than the tolerance they “allow”.

It was a pain!

Good luck with the sealant, never dealt with that.
Home. Longish day for a lazy one.

Got a call to make.

The old geezer cat is fine - or he's died and was stuffed already in the picture I got. Or really good photoshop.

Off to read . . . .


