TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

That's because the a/c is in the truck, and the summer sun can be cruel.

It's also one of the perks of being on the job a long time.

It's juest steadily raining here. I've seen harder, but this one has a knack for making a body wet as punishment for being out in it. Damn rain!!!

We're short a few weasels today. I don't really blame them.

I am beset by little yappers.
The house is open, so every sound has them barking to get out.
Once they get out, they realize I'm still inside,
so the raise Cain to get back in...

lather - rinse - repeat

and repeat

round six

I'm afraid the raccoons are smarter than the dogs...


Hell, I'm absolutely convinced of it.
Wet trouble spots are great for planting alfalfa and clover, it gives you a great harvest of rabbits.

And the pups are old and crotchety, we all get like that eventually but it's sweet they still want to be near you and protect you from the noises.

And Wat you should be in heaven with so few weasels, maybe you should celebrate with chinese food :)
Big stupid just got back from the vet.
With her cataracts, it's a wonder she can see
which might be why her head does a 180º pivot when she's barking at sound.

Evening wind down time. A little bit of food for the body and then some reading for the soul.
Home/satellite. Grazed in.

It was a more peaceful day. Oh, there was teh st000pid, but it somehow seemed more manageable.

No Brazilians - that's why!!!

Off to crash in a short . . . .

I find logistics interesting. Lately I've noticed anecdotally that the trains regardless of where I see them are traveling about twice as fast as they generally are in that particular area. My weight times at train crossings are, consequently, about half.

At first, I was assuming that whatever regulatory agency (probably NTSB) had ease restrictions on speed.

I was just thinking about it though you can move twice as much Freight or half as many trains if you run twice as fast, and with the price of fuel right now it makes sense to firewall those throttles

They also now have to compete with cheaper trucking costs so being faster matters.
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Good morning y'all! Sleeping in?
Mourning the possible passing of Dear Leader?
Up all night in vigil, burning josh and wokking dog?

Just another revolutionary day for the power of the people!
Good morning all.

Nah, was doing some 'puter housecleaning. Dusting away some digital cobwebs.
I have some stuff to do to mine,
but I just keep putting it off...
Ironic now that I have ample time.
I'd rather use it to play solitaire
although I do miss cheating greatly.
I just hate to lose.
Happy Tuesday!!!

We get a Jabba visit today, Isch bich dah toon yatah, Jabba!!!!

It's slowly warming up. Looks like a possible t-storm this afternoon. After Jabba leaves, of course. Insh'Allah he not be trapped here by vile weather.

For the moment, I'm trapped here by good coffee.


There's a safe site out there cardgames.io that has all sorts of card games and other stuff. In my idle time I like to play their implementation of Hearts.
They say Napoleon cheated!
Great people improve their odds.
I bet he would have been a helluva presence on Twitter!

I think we're going to have another warm dry day
even though it looks like we had some light rain in the night.
It's still too early for my weather girl though...
I always liked the hard-ass solitare where you deal out all the cards across the up ones on stacks and then play by suits instead of colors. It's tough to win.

I have noticed lately that my wrists hurt sometimes. Right one is worse. Worser. Driving, it's hard to get comfortable. I could have carpeted tunnels, maybe.

Funny, they don't bother me biking. Go figure.

Refill time . . . .


I am really biting my tongue not to go to
the obvious masturbatory comment, but,
then again, maybe I'm not biting too hard.
