TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!


Too much money for too little entertainment.

Maybe one for dead squirrels.
I get kind of tired of removing them from the back doorstep...

;) ;)
So you throw them in the trench?

You can call that a squirrel grave yard, I'll call it dachy bait. :D
Yeah, I wonder about incompetents, Litsters, and drunks out in boats. I think they have a licensing system in the commonwealth now to help prevent that. Especially Litsters.

The local ex-cop I used to ride down here with had her younger brother fall out of his boat over a sandbar, drunk. Broke his fucking neck and paralyzed himself. That's the kind of shit I think of when I think of st000pid boat tricks.

Of course, Mom thinks she's the bomb when it comes to piloting the floating stuff. The fact that she hasn't done it since she was a kid on her dad's "yacht," . . . . :rolleyes:

Wat will buy a boat when he can afford the crew to maintain it, and then only after he has more rolling stock than will fill a hanger.



Backfill that sucker one rat at a time...

I've been throwing them on some old ivy-covered de-construction debris
when I kill them outright. The ones who manage to live a bit and run off
are generally the ones I find half-chewed on the back stoop...

Chewed by stoop-id.
Well? Were the tacos at least good?

Good morning all!

Marginal. Too much breading and the must keep re-frying them every so often. That wrong left turn took me within a block of a better taco, but I didnt think of it, and if I had, no wallet at the time
Backfill that sucker one rat at a time...

I've been throwing them on some old ivy-covered de-construction debris
when I kill them outright. The ones who manage to live a bit and run off
are generally the ones I find half-chewed on the back stoop...

Chewed by stoop-id.

Caution, skunks love dead squirrel!
At the end of this season or the beginning of next, I will be doing that
because the current liner is shot to shit and it's time for a new one and to
get new sand down and fix some of the erosion holes under the pool.

Pools are cool things in concept, but they are like boats;
a lot of work and expense for too little use...

It it didn't have such a huge footprint
and would leave such a big hole,
I'd just get rid of it.

A boat is a big hole in the water you throw money into so a pool is a big hole you throw money and water into.
Oh yeah, they go on the list too...

The pool is so picturesque with all of the trees overhead, especially the poolside redbud which almost fully shades the upper part of the deck but those trees mean all sorts of falling crap from acorns, leaves, broken branches to caterpillar shit (and caterpillars).
I hate fucking o'possums. It's their fucking Irish heritage.

Trash Pandas is a good name. That was a cute little fella we saw last Friday, waddling along like he hadn't a care in the world.

We watched baseball the last two days. It's weird watching the games in an empty Trop. Home team won. They have a bunch of young studs on the pitching staff, which they'll be needing in their division - if it were a full season.

Three times in MLB, a team with 92 Ws has missed the playoffs, and the Rays were that team. Twice.




I remember.

The kid was in one of the Series' after that, so he kinda likes it.

He missed '94 - he was 7.

Today, we discuss motorcycles . . . .



Baseball is just too boring to be a modern game
anywhere other than in a backyard and played
by the kids of the neighborhood...

... with rules they make up and argue over.

You know, it really is better without an audience. It moves along, and there seems to be less testicle adjusting.

Which makes me wonder, how much will this improve the NFL???

No more Twelfth Man horseshit.

I reckon we'll see . . . in HD, no less.



Too many of the very healthy millionaires will refuse to play
even as they still demand their pay...
Simple solution: no pay, no play and you cannot play unless you test positive for T-cells or Antibodies.

Play Ball!