TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Was into it, got outta it. Yeah, I know . . . .

In for a break. Back out shortly.

Junior has some heavy-duty phone callage today. The world has changed - a bit.

Then again . . . .



Dummy dog started barking like a maniac at 4 am for no apparent reason.

Wasn’t even looking out a window, just standing in the hallway. WTF?
Dummy dog started barking like a maniac at 4 am for no apparent reason.

Wasn’t even looking out a window, just standing in the hallway. WTF?

I have the same problem with my idiots.

One of them is now sitting at my feet and whining.

She has no idea why.
She was just out, she has food, she has water.
She is doggy hear her roar...
I figured it out, a wayward chipmunk got in, probably when we had the patio doors open last night. It was hiding from dummy in the hall closet.

Guess I can’t be too mad.
Good morning folks. It's range day Wednesday.

Looking at the weather map, is Wat going to blow town or be blown out of town? :)
Friggin' dogs have gone back to sleep...

If I were to try to go back to sleep, they would raise holy hell.

I might be their holiness.
We have rent control.

The squirrels are very zealous in regards to their acorn stashes.

Zealous - ACORN
I crack myself up...
Happy payday Wednesday!!! It's so nice to be doing very little and to have Yanqui Dollars appear in one's account by Prearranged Agreement. The cat has a place to live for another 30 days. I'm sure he took that for granted.

The weather looks okay, I think. The regularly scheduled afternoons storms have held off mostly. A wee shower was had yesterday, and we didn't even notice until the dog went for a walk. He's terrified of storms - or at least hyper-cautious. Bravery is not his middle name.

Not sure what's up today. Mom is having a blast, I do know that.

Coffee is good, and key lime pie will be on the menu for breakfast . . . .



Fucking conch...

It needs to dry out here.
The regular afternoon drenchings are putting my porch project on hold.
I took Monday night off because I wanted to be sure the cooling system was topped off a d I wanted to fantasize that a 1/2 bottle of magic elixir can fix a blown head gasket.

Last night, I took off while it was still light and bright and 113° out. I blasted the AC, left in running like that when I parked to do some errands. Saw a little moisture early on in the tailpipe, then nothimg.

Nothing at all in the coolant overflow reservoir.

It really didn't like all that idling in test mode for hours. It kind of screwed with the battery and with its adaptive learning. I'm sure the battery was not pleased with being in a hot car with heater running. For a bit at looked like I might have toasted it because I could not get the battery to max out the charge.

The AC system actually runs off of electricity, so I shut that down and drove around for a while with AC off and got the battery to behave itself again.

Even with a full charge on the battery a big flat spot off the line. No torque at all can hardly pull out into traffic. I think the plugs were fouled with spackle. Iran the hell out of it for a bit and it seems better. Ordered new denso iridium plugs ; they should be here tomorrow.

My coolant pump was already sleeping a little and the advice I got was not to change it out while I had that blown head gasket or it might make it worse. At some point that was spewing out what looks like drywall knock-down texture.

Still running it without the thermostat. I can't see why I would necessarily need one in the summertime. The two hoses I ordered were wrong and even more wrong..

I put some seafoam in the gas tank to see if that would help clean the plugs it may have because it was I sure time after I added that that I seem to get more pick up from the gas portion of the powertrain.

After I put new plugs and change the oil I'll see where I am from there.

Been putting off tires because I liked my mechanics $50 installed price. He's apparently figured out that he's not actually making money at $10 per tire when you consider time.
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So my sister (the layabout who's always sponged off a man) was bitching (as she always does) about not having a man in her life. She asked me why none of my friends would take her out. Being an honest and moral man, I said, "Because you're a horrible person and nobody can stand spending more than 5 minutes near you."

And suddenly I'm the bad guy.

Women :rolleyes:
Tires install prices are odd and widely varied where I come from.

Motorcycles are a bit worser. I do know, stay far away from the dealer on that one.

It cunt be all that hard to do at home, you know? I reckon that I need to YouT000b.

Lotsa variation in headwork out there. I'm liking this outfit in WI, and I have stock head cores left over from the spring motor build, so that's not a PITA like this. Much to be said for standardization . . . .



So my sister (the layabout who's always sponged off a man) was bitching (as she always does) about not having a man in her life. She asked me why none of my friends would take her out. Being an honest and moral man, I said, "Because you're a horrible person and nobody can stand spending more than 5 minutes near you."

And suddenly I'm the bad guy.

Women :rolleyes:

With wimminz like this, Wat would buy a third Harley fucking Davidson first!!!

I discovered yesterday that the ex-wife, Junior's mom, has given herself a ridiculous name for the grandchildren to call her.

I think it's always in best form to let the first one name you, and the others will "get it" as time goes on.


I think I'm going to order some off of Tire Rack and then go down and find me a nice, Southside "Lanteria" to install them. Any place painted bright yellow or Mal Verde. As a stop gap, I had the Bologna skin on the right front replaced with a used tire at a Mal Verde custom the other day.

Fix your sister up with Rob, he's tall and doesn't mind paying for shit. Remember when he was proposing a weekend away with plane and concert tickets and *seperate* hotel rooms for a second date with a woman he did not fuck on the first one?


It might be a good fit.
So my sister (the layabout who's always sponged off a man) was bitching (as she always does) about not having a man in her life. She asked me why none of my friends would take her out. Being an honest and moral man, I said, "Because you're a horrible person and nobody can stand spending more than 5 minutes near you."

And suddenly I'm the bad guy.

Women :rolleyes:

Yeah, women are horrible! LOL
Barbie is saving rodents.

I already felt bad about running over a young cottontail last night. The follow-up to the kitten I ran over last week or so. Shoulda tried straddling the kitten, but I tried to give him some lead by putting the car up against the curb. The kitten was not quiiite fast enough.

Straddled the bunny, and it juked back and got my right rear tire.

The kitten I was NOT going to look. I assume he is in kitty heaven and felt nothing.

I had the same idea with the bunny, but the fortunes of roadkill being what they are. I was going the exact same route an hour later. I was prepared to be horrified, a d it was ugly, but unquestionably instantaneous.

Given that I run seventy to a hundred thousand miles a year, generally at night, I dodge a lot of animals but this is been a bad streak lately.

In both cases they weren't taking their chances in heavy traffic or being pursued...I was the only car on the road all they had to do was sit their little furry butts down for 5 seconds more, wait till I get past and then take their good sweet time crossing the road.

The coyote I hit I don't feel a bit bad about because it messed up the front end of my mid-life crisis car. I hope it suffered. I had a couple of thousand dollars worth the suspension under that car speed-rated tires, brakes off a much heavier car and one horse for every ten lbs of car. I did everything right and I absolutely missed the damn beast and he juked back and insisted on getting waylaid.

That was back when I lived in the country in just about every morning on the way to work something would attempt suicide by car. I dodged snakes, desert rats, tarantulas, and seven deer once. Facts and I felt like I had a certain responsibility to avoid the critters because I did come up on them awfully fast in that car. . .but there's no excuse whatsoever for getting run over by a Prius.
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