TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Hey, I missed that hawk several weeks ago, and that was my Mad Skillz and the will of Allah.

We're going out to eat tonight. It should be nice, I reckon. We went there when I was down first of the year. Better than fixin' up Johnny's sister, but that idea might fly. :rolleyes:

The flight home tomorrow got juggled. Later and an added stop. No matter, it's still not bad.

But, next visit, I'm ridin' . . . .



Fix your sister up with Rob, he's tall and doesn't mind paying for shit. Remember when he was proposing a weekend away with plane and concert tickets and *seperate* hotel rooms for a second date with a woman he did not fuck on the first one?


It might be a good fit.

still obsessing over a better man :(
Back at the hotel. MIxed feelings. They happen last night in town. Sometimes.

Gonna be a quiet night around the hotel room. Walked down to the dock/pier/wharf. Always nice to scope some decent water - which is foreign to my jobsite - unless you like swamp dreck.

Got a few more days off.

And ain't nothin' else gettin' done on this one . . . .



Good afternoon/evening everyone. Hope ya'll (is that the latest buzz work?) had as good a day as I did.
I believe that, correctly, "y'all" is singular and "all y'all" is plural. But i might be mistaken.

Actually, I remember her, and she hasn't been around here for over a decade.

By the way, I am not she, nor was I ever . . . .

Yeah, I know . . . .



Y'all is both singular and plural. It is differentiated by a nodding gesture. Y'all with a nod to an individual is singular; y'all with a sweep of the head is plural.
Happy Thursday, all y'all. I ain't sweepin' my haid. I might street sweeper yours . . . . :rolleyes:

Got a leisurely morning getting out of here, made more leisurely by my waking up an hour before the alarm. Maybe I'll doze on the plane, but that's pretty rare. I haven't been able to sleep consistently in a moving vehicle since I was tiny.

Maybe my bike parts came in this week. That would be a nice touch. Projects.

I miss the damned old little cat and all of his . . . talking . . . .



Y'all is both singular and plural. It is differentiated by a nodding gesture. Y'all with a nod to an individual is singular; y'all with a sweep of the head is plural.


That's funny

I was freaked out when I moved here
because the locals used we'uns and you'uns...

... and here I was an Inj---un. ;) ;)
In Pittsburgh they say “y’uns”...

I’ve named the chipmunk Roscoe, he (or it could be a she, I suppose) will eat peanuts from my hand.

I think he lives under the deck.
I've seen chipmunks on vacation,
but never here unless you count
AOC on the TeeVee 'cause
she looks the part...
I wouldn’t.

That’s the sort you are never able to get rid of.

I've actually had a couple of those...

One, I even pretended to not have a car,
and she fucking walked home with me.


I fucked her.

Dedication should be rewarded...

The dogs are quiet and asleep, I'm going back to bed.
Some guys fuck knotholes in the fence.

Pray to Allah that you don't have #2 SYP siding . . . . :rolleyes:

We had a chipmunk house critter named Chuckie. He was a she and went into heat every spring. That loud chirp you hear in the woods sometimes and attribute to birds? It's wee rodent in lurve.

"Netflix and chill???"



Good morning all.

Walking chipmunks and sleeping dogs, hell of a morning.

Roscoe???? Why not something original.......................like Alvin. ;):D
I suspect you could call him any thing you wanted to and as long as you were furnishing the peanuts he/she would care less.