TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!


That's funny

I was freaked out when I moved here
because the locals used we'uns and you'uns...

... and here I was an Inj---un. ;) ;)

Back when my Navajo wingman and I would go to bars, I was telling the kids a story about how he was so comfortable with being silent and still that I walked into a very small bar and completely missed him on a stool fading into the wall.

My middle one says, "Like a Ninja?"


"So he's a Ninjun. . ."
Supposed to hit triple digits here today. Seems unusually cool this AM though.

I imagine "Roscoe" is stuffing his/her little cheeks full and then running off to bury the nuts. Get some walnuts. :D
Before microwaves were invented cold pizza was in acceptable breakfast choice.

Does one nuke a pepperoni roll or eat it cold?
All calm, quiet and pizzaless here
Work goes on so I can continue to support the politicians and leeches
Or are they the same thing?
Either or.

Every gas station and convince store has them in the warmer with the breakfast sandwiches. But grocery stores, local bakeries, farmer's markets, etc. sell them a few dozen in a bag with the other bread items.
I'ma reckon I'll be breakfasting on some Starbucks abomination.

Good name for a harpoon man, lousy choice for coffee-n-snackage - but they are consistent.

Getting ready to saddle up here. Travel is a bit like a day's work.

And Wat will be expending the minimum possible effort . . . .



I need to replace that water pump. It is within my capability, but I'm thinking of chickening out, lest I get in the middle of the job and am lacking something. There's no limping that to the shop.

If I pay the guy, it's done.

My man card is a bit precarious with the ratio of hired work, so there's that.

It's five mounting bolts, three pulley bolts and some unknown fiddling with belt tension.

The pump is definitely next in the chain of weak links and was weeping previously anyway.

I am good at thinking of worst case, and I am wondering if my head gasket is not miraculously healed, but the over pressure is simply coming out the pump now, instead of pushing into the overflow tank.

Not a single drop has gone into the overflow.

Lost about one liter in 6 hours at the pump.
I just pay the guy these days.

There was a day when I was the guy,
so I figure, what comes around goes around...

I picked up a "Bomba de Agua Nueva" with a lifetime warranty. I'm hoping it's my lifetime not the car's lifetime.

It will indeed be in triple digits today since it hit 100° by 9am. Expected high 117°.

I needed at 6 mm hex driver so I go into Harbor Freight practicing social distancin' of course and there's another guy looking at the very hex drivers I need for the longest freaking time. He finally got done making his selection so I can buy mine.

Walmart does not sell coolant of any variety.
I suspect if you add up the man-hours you have into patching that car up your cost per mile would be much higher.

This doesn’t take into consideration the stress of driving that many miles in something that always seems to be one step from blowing up and leaving you stranded.

How’s your insurance? :D
I suspect if you add up the man-hours you have into patching that car up your cost per mile would be much higher.

This doesn’t take into consideration the stress of driving that many miles in something that always seems to be one step from blowing up and leaving you stranded.

How’s your insurance? :D

The stress factor is the worst.

It has cooled down to 118. Peak was 120° but I saw my car's thermometer all the way up 122 briefly.

Tools are too hot to hold at 120°. A bottle of water left out will scald you. "Cold" water inside will scald you if you dont let it run a while.

Worst part of the job was getting the factory clamp and a hose off the radiator. Had to go buy a pry-bar wit the right bend to it to lever it outta there when taking apart the whole doghouse did not get to it.

Never did get around to napping after I got home last night.
Home, with cat. Got a load of laundry in the washer.

The whole flight thing worked out okay. It's just like a days work. Stay patient and let shit happen. It did.

Took J out to get something to eat. My diet all day was crap, so I had shrimp and oysters for supper, and I liked it.

Off very shortly . . . .



I woke a dusk. Went out to the surface of Tatooine. 111° still. Couple of hours after sundown, it's 106°

Hey, look! Under triple digits before 2:00am. It's only 99°
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