TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Happy Friday!!!

Still coming to here. Got the first loada in the dryer and the second in the washer. Looking around at things that can be downsized. Tossed. I'm sure that there's some treasure on the table behind me that I mislaid and buried awhile back.

It's the last day of July. I think we have some rain today, likely in the form of showers and t-storms. I'll look . . .

after I pour a bit more coffee into myself . . . .




I like to guess where my next assignment is likely to come from and I'll head that way. At the moment it's hard to say so I'm just pulled into a convenient lot a grocery store in it.

BIG lot. I'm parked all skiddywompus. A chick in a white Altima pulls in and parks in the nearest space to me you can, given the way I'm parked.

She rolls down the window, lights a smoke but does not seem like she is trying to engage with me. Takes a couple drags, rolls the window up, and gets out Saunters over in the direction of a "smoke shop" that looks closed, but has an open sign lit up.

Well, that's it, then. She's out of supplies.

Nope. She strolls past.

Oh, the pizza place! Probably going to proof some dough.

Nope. Keeps walking.

Just about rounds the corner. Huh? Why park over here? There's Mexican fast food, but it's drive-thru only overnight. She's a dirty blonde, none of the employees at Frederico's are. I'm a regular.

Right at the corner, she pauses, just after the Chiropractor. There's a door a could not see.

Why there at 3:30 am?

No one else but she and I.

There only two things I can come up with for why she parked near me one was security she knew she would have to walk across an empty parking lot and figured parking near me she could eyeball me decide whether she wanted to get out of her car or not. The other possibility is, that it's her favorite parking spot she parked there because there's a palo verde that just might shade that spot in the late afternoon.

That seems like a pretty long shift get there at 3:30 in the morning when there's no customers and hang out till the heat of the late afternoon?

Maybe she's got a kink for Prius drivers, but was too shy to let me know?

That's probably it.
Neither did Rosie when she first started.

Wax on, wax off.

I need to go out later to score some dry and wet cat food. Little as this cat eats, it's surprising when he's cleaned his stash out.

Today seems to be what will pass for s summertime rainy day.



So I'm going over what engine bits I want for the little bike. I'm thinking, cams-n-heads. Leave the displacement alone. It's big enough.

Now, how big can the heads go, and how much lift can we install before we run into interference issues. Valve plus piston equal bad.

It needs a bit of rumpty rump.

A bit more . . . .



So I'm going over what engine bits I want for the little bike. I'm thinking, cams-n-heads. Leave the displacement alone. It's big enough.

Now, how big can the heads go, and how much lift can we install before we run into interference issues. Valve plus piston equal bad.

It needs a bit of rumpty rump.

A bit more . . . .

A bit over my head there.

I did learn last week that old leg warmers make great fork pads so you don’t scratch the powder coating on bumpers. They slide right on and stay put!

Probably just wanted to make sure she could give an accurate description...

The little Prius that could with her battle scars and I with mine and my Vaquero-style hat are very describable. I've had chats with cops on numerous occasions based on my vehicle description alone.



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Get implants. :)

I was hanging on S. Beach one evening with my brother and this dude walks by with calves the size of his thighs. His legs looked like Popeye's arms. I look at my brother and go, "What he hell?"

He tells me that they're implants and that it was all the rage at the time. People pay good money to look that grotesque?
A bit over my head there.

I did learn last week that old leg warmers make great fork pads so you don’t scratch the powder coating on bumpers. They slide right on and stay put!


Old panty hose make good filter/strainers for things like latex paint.

The theory of that engine chatter is, improve breathing. Basically, an engine is an air pump. We contaminate the air with petroleum distillates and lit it off while compressed to make the pump keep turning and to harness the power of the rapid combustion. The more gaseous air that you can load into the cylinders each time, the more torque you can harvest from each burning.

And when you pass self-righteous Prius drivers ( ;) ) and romp on it, they can hear you hurt the environment even more.

While on your bike, speeding, and not wearing some pussified covid mask, because . . . Freedom!!!



Old panty hose make good filter/strainers for things like latex paint.

The theory of that engine chatter is, improve breathing. Basically, an engine is an air pump. We contaminate the air with petroleum distillates and lit it off while compressed to make the pump keep turning and to harness the power of the rapid combustion. The more gaseous air that you can load into the cylinders each time, the more torque you can harvest from each burning.

And when you pass self-righteous Prius drivers ( ;) ) and romp on it, they can hear you hurt the environment even more.

I get the air pump thing, three of my vehicles are supercharged and the fourth is a turbo diesel F250.

I just never get into the mechanics of them!

Prius drivers, well, there are some people you just can’t help.
Get implants. :)

I was hanging on S. Beach one evening with my brother and this dude walks by with calves the size of his thighs. His legs looked like Popeye's arms. I look at my brother and go, "What he hell?"

He tells me that they're implants and that it was all the rage at the time. People pay good money to look that grotesque?

If I was going to get implants they wouldn’t go into my arms or legs!
I get the air pump thing, three of my vehicles are supercharged and the fourth is a turbo diesel F250.

I just never get into the mechanics of them!

Prius drivers, well, there are some people you just can’t help.

Okay, so we have the air pump basics then. So as we look for ways to get more air into each cylinder, we do things like increase valve size, port size (where the air goes, intake runner size and flow patterns, and throttle body size. We install lower restriction air filters and intake systems before the throttle body, and we install headers and low restriction mufflers to reduce back pressure on the exhaust side. What superchargers and turbochargers do is shove air into the engine. The former run on engine power and the latter are operated by escaping/expelled exhaust gasses.

Bigger is not always better, and that was the basis for my musings a few posts back. Things like valve seat angles and grinds, port shapes and air velocities and pulse waves in exhaust systems all have to be considered so as not to overwhelm the thing. Heads that work great on my 143 probably will be too much for my 107. And I don't want a 143.

Yet . . . .



Get implants. :)

I was hanging on S. Beach one evening with my brother and this dude walks by with calves the size of his thighs. His legs looked like Popeye's arms. I look at my brother and go, "What he hell?"

He tells me that they're implants and that it was all the rage at the time. People pay good money to look that grotesque?

Some Russian dude had similar implants that made him look very strong.

He made the mistake of challenging the local arm-wrestling champion to a match. Fake muscles are no use against real ones.
In my own defense, I'm only getting 35 miles to the gallon as I stress it to see what breaks.

I've got 185 horsepower and about a hundred fifty lb of torque. Priuses (priusi?) would be quick if they weighed what they should like 1600 pounds but instead they weigh 2900. The CVT is weird to get used to.

My Honda at 2000lbs and a bit more than the factory 135 horsepower is much quicker with the close-ratio 5-speed.
The air pump analogy works, but it all comes down to physics and chemistry.

2 C8H1 8 +25 O2 =16 CO2 +18 H2O .

The Octane reaction is exothermic. The energy released is 44,400 Joules for every gram of C8H18 burned.

The more O2 you can pump into engine the more Octane you can supply so the more energy you get out of the engine and the goal is to get as complete a combustion as possible.

Are your new heads dual plugged Wat?
I've noticed that Wat appreciates the sounds of internal combustion. Nothing "tunes" up like Mopar and Harley <fucking> Daviddon.

I'm not a fan of the bikes <motorcycles> but can appreciate them for what they are, and the sound is unequaled. Other bikes with pipes are just loud they don't sound the same.

A Mopar with a loping cam is a thing of beauty. I'm not sure where I acquired that tasttr: it might be Grandad's 69 Imperial or it might just be The General Lee.

Just loud is not the same.

It's like salsa with all heat and no flavor.
Yeah, I get 10-12 mpg but with 525 hp and 535 ft/lbs of torque.

It’s fun when you floor it and the back end squats, but at that point I’m probably getting 5-6 mpg!
Right, just turn/mash the throttle and . . . and if you don't "get that," no amount of 'splainin' is gonna make you understand.

Harley fucking Davidson, Milwaukee 8, engine design plusses:
1: 4 valves per cylinder. Nothing he'ps breathing like an extra pair o' valves. It
increases the area where air/fuel can enter.
2: 2 spark plugs per cylinder. It would be nice if, like the Hemi, they firde
staggered, but they don't. They good news is, they both fire.

1: Push rod activated valves. OHCs would get another 1000-1500 rippums (RPMs)
from it, maybe, in spite of the long stroke. That's always been the real rev
limiter - high piston speed inherent in undersquare engines.

Figure 5000 feet per second piston speed max, that should keep strokes at 4.5" or so (mine are 4.375) and rippums maxing out at 6500.

Off to collect Morticia . . . .



Overhead cams were here in 1965 with the 427 camera. I blame NASCAR for America's slow adoption of the obvious.

I saw a list once of the ten highest velocity piston strokes. The only American car on the list is the McLaren. Two stock Honda engines are on it, including the Acura B18C1 from my midlife crisis swapped Civic. That's slower than a B20 Vtec where you take these stroked B20 out of a CRV and throw a Vtec head on it. Guys are winding those up to 9000 Rpms with better springs.

More than overhead cans though, the biggest development in modern engines is better metallurgy. Better springs means the valves don't float.