TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Now now, we drive in rain around this thread.

Unlike some pusskitry encountered in others.

Speaking of, looks like we get those t-storms this afternoon and evening. Could make biking tonight a damp proposition. Heat returns tomorrow. Oh boy!!!

Which reminds me, I have an errand to run, so . . . .


Only 75% or so? You an assigned risk yet? :D

I'm going to run out and get some shopping done before the hangover crowd has their first Bloody Mary and hits the road. :)
The battery pack only weighs 64 lbs. The car weighs 2,900 lbs. Most of that is bracing to protect the battery. Nice side benefit while it is protecting the people from a horrific fire, or also does a nice job of keeping the passenger compartment intact. I've seen dozens of completely totalled Priusi and none of them showed a passenger compartment incursion.
Just passin' through . . . .

Gettin' a few odds-n-ends done around this place.

Now it's time for a trip to the big box store to score a couple of items.

None of my ordered shit has come in. :mad: :rolleyes:



Only 75% or so? You an assigned risk yet? :D

I'm going to run out and get some shopping done before the hangover crowd has their first Bloody Mary and hits the road. :)

No, but I am pretty sure that I’ve put two of my insurance agent’s kids through college.
I've had three accidents and been in two of them, the third was at a medical center, I had tests booked for an all day run so I wouldn't have to come back. The parking lot was at the bottom of a steep incline and it was full so I parked in the second last spot on the outside. That afternoon a garbage truck can down the icy driveway which had a layer of meltwater on it, it turned 5 vehicles into dually motorcycles.

Food for thought folks.

I read and watch a lot of different stuff, one of those subjects is physics/cosmology. Anywho, there is an emerging theory that competes with the traditional view of the cosmos. The new theory is called "The Electric Universe." The core of it is that magnetism and electric currents are the prime mover and organizer in the cosmos, not gravity. The sophistication of the instruments that we've constructed allow us to see and measure phenomena in the universe that we've never been able to do before. So they've been able to visualize and measure magnetic and electric (plasma) connections between galaxies and galactic clusters.

So I'm following this theory as it evolves and the scientific argument escalates and there is something that struck me about the universe as visualized by measurements so far. If you zoom out far enough to see the macro view these clusters and their connections, they have a remarkable resemblance to brain cell synapse connections!!!!!
Good evening!
The cat who adopted us used up one of his lives this afternoon. He's not hurt at all (of course) but he was on the under carriage of the car when I backed out of the driveway. I heard him jump or fall, looked back to see what the noise was only to see him scootin around the back of the house. I hope he learned a lesson.
Interesting observation, bell. Maybe we really are just part of the borg.
I wonder if he was in the fan shroud? More than one cat has lost all nine by snuggling up in that location.
Where ever he was, he came out from behind the car when I started to move forward.
Yes, that would have ruined my day completely. I just hope he fears the cars now.
I have geriatric dog bladders to blame for my early rise, laundry and dishes are running, on the third cup of coffee, and overthinking everything. Not how I wanted my Sunday to start.
I don't leave the dog door open at night, I don't need any critters coming in.

Currently trying to decide if I want to do some baking since I'm up anyway.
I think I'll just fry some eggs for myself and have another cup of coffee.
Nothing can get into the pen it opens into, at least nothing that’s brave enough to mess with him.

There will be no baking here. Smoke alarms are annoying!
Good morning.

I caught big stupid chewing into a bag of garbage; completely out of food,
so that is a priority today. I fished some leftovers out of the fridge to hold them over.

I set it aside yesterday, but never got it out because I didn't go anywhere.
I took a hard fall the other day, so I've been kind of laid up and in lots of pain.
Morning all. Today was delayed by a power outage. I blame it on SC's fall. :);)

You really need to look into getting a really big nerf ball, make a hole through the middle and put it on first thing every morning.