TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I hope your canning that stuff. The food shortages (read that as high prices) should hit after the end of the growing season.
I'm thinking of buying a freezer and hitting the farmers market (I already have plenty of mason jars for canning). Not worried about meat, I know where to get that on the hoof.
I have always thrown dogs off. I was taught very young the irrational idea that a dog wont bite if you ain't skeered, so I got in the habit of not being skeered which, depending on the dog, they seem to find disconcerting.

I'm getting that cock-the-head look from dogs more now that I'm rocking the bandito look. They can't tell if I'm baring my teeth.
I'm thinking of buying a freezer and hitting the farmers market (I already have plenty of mason jars for canning). Not worried about meat, I know where to get that on the hoof.

That’s kind of started around here as well, the canning anyways, as well as stocking up on basics like flour, other staples, to the point where she’s asked for more shelves in the basement.

If you see me lurking in a field at night with a rifle, mind your business, I’m grocery shopping!
That’s kind of started around here as well, the canning anyways, as well as stocking up on basics like flour, other staples, to the point where she’s asked for more shelves in the basement.

If you see me lurking in a field at night with a rifle, mind your business, I’m grocery shopping!

*chuckle* Lead as a medium of exchange.
Just joined the NRA again. I quit 25 years ago because they were spending more money on postage asking me for more money than they gained from my annual dues. I figured it would be more help to them if I quit. At the time, you couldn't opt out of anything. We'll see how it goes. I bought five years as a cooling off period in case they piss me off with their stupidity in marketing again.

What I really wanted was my NRA pocketknife back. It's been missing for at least a couple of decades. It wasn't that great a knife, but I'm nostalgic. I figure I just 9verpaid for the knife by about $97, but I get The Rifleman for five years, and I miss that too.
Just joined the NRA again. I quit 25 years ago because they were spending more money on postage asking me for more money than they gained from my annual dues. I figured it would be more help to them if I quit. At the time, you couldn't opt out of anything. We'll see how it goes. I bought five years as a cooling off period in case they piss me off with their stupidity in marketing again.

What I really wanted was my NRA pocketknife back. It's been missing for at least a couple of decades. It wasn't that great a knife, but I'm nostalgic. I figure I just 9verpaid for the knife by about $97, but I get The Rifleman for five years, and I miss that too.

American Rifleman seems to be all AR’s lately.

Shooting Illustrated at least has a lever action on the cover this month.
Yeah, their non-stop solicitations irritate me but I need to keep my instructor and RSO certifications current so there's that. I've managed to keep them phone blocked but there's nothing to be done about the mailings.
That's just nuts. When someone tells you that their mailings are annoying and unwelcome, and that they are not going to get a dime as a result of their mailings, you should believe them. You've got a magazine and a captive subscriber base. Advertise your latest appeal in the magazine. I did not give them a phone number, no one has it linked to me. It's not even registered to actual me. I don't know why I gave them my actual email address. Perhaps I will "update" that ti something disposable, then ghost.

I should "gift" my magazine subscription to a nom de plume then switch mail drops

On a positive note, it'll take them longer than this election cycle to burn through all of it on postage and printing costs.
I understand where you're coming from Con, but at the same time I know how many lawsuits the NRA has filed and how they prevail most of the time. Usually by having to work their way through the State courts and then into the Federal system. All of which takes a ton of money. So to my mind they're asking for good reason.

As I said, I've dealt the the phone issue and the trash can in on the way back from the mailbox so no great effort expended there. And once a year I make an unsolicited donation to the NRA-ILA. Probably only enough to pay for 15 min. of a decent attorneys time, but it's something to keep the fight going.
I'm with you there, but back when I had nothing to give, it erped me to see it wasted. Just think how much more money they would have if somebody smart was micro-targeting donors like political campaigns do. Keep going to the wells with oil with appeals shown to work on that well.

They are using a sawed off, unchoked shotgun.

To mix several metaphors.. .
Praises to Allah, I'm finally sitting down to lunch. At 1415 EDT.

I got the appliance delivery to attend to. First one in months. Pudding did the others. That pudding!!! He's in talking to Jabba s000per about some problem that he cunt solve. I wonder how much longer until it winds up in my lap.

Like the 5 problem a/c calls that Maintenance gave me this morning while I was watching the shipping boys uncrate stuff. And the one they piled on it for good measure. Oh, and the broken toilet flange, too.

It's good to have job security.



Home/scrotel13. Went the the Walmart neighborhood market and scored some victuals, so I'm grazing in.

Had a nice chat with the night clerk. She told me where they usually put those whom they think might be troublesome "guests" and then put me on the other side. I told her that there may or may not be a heater in my belongings. She approved. We chatted about work and motorcycles. She thinks she wants one. I mean, what the fuck, are you getting any younger???

Only on Lit, but that's why they call it fiction, right?

Oh, and they called the fire department out for a sizzling electric panel. The guy's heat pump breaker. These panels are fer shit, and I've never seen breakers just up and go bad like they do here. :rolleyes:



Those panels wouldn't be Federal Pacific would they?

It's nice to know that there are some biz. folks that will look out for you. Buy her some flowers, not romantic type, just a nice bouquet.

Tonight is the last chance for rain for a couple of days. Back to HOT for a bit.

I'll never own one. These things are right shite.

Looks like I gotta buy Ja some flowers for her b-day in two weeks. At least I know that day so's I don't fuck it up. And I got rain for another 24, it looks like.

Off for a night's sleep . . . .

Is it morning yet?

Chilly here today, rained all day yesterday, I think the high today is 66.

Seems like a good day to hide indoors.
Happy Hurricane Tuesday!!!

Seems like the damned thing is right over there. No matter, slept through everything except the tornado warning alert at 0430. No matter. Who needs sleep anyway?

When we got our appliance delivery yesterday, we got 9 refrigerators in addition to the seven units of stuff we got (ranges and fridges). I suspect we have 9 extras. Clerical fuck-up, maybe. Maybe we can have a post hurricane fire sale.

Coffee turned out okay, which is always nice.



Hey all, moaning'...

I'm about ready to kill a dog. Serious.
I somehow ran out of dry dogwood and had to break into
the emergency canned food stash, which means I have to dole it out
instead of using the automatic feeder, so little stupid went out and did her business
and expected to be fed and would not shut up, so I opened a new can and gave her
a little bit, well that wasn't enough, because she is out here begging for more
but I am in a lot of pain this morning and just don't feel like being a
food dispenser on demand; screw her, she isn't starving...

Other than that, the coffee is good.
I need to order more.
