TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

My original National Health Service number was my wartime National Registration card number. The first three letters identified me as having been in Wales when it was issued.

But when I went to Australia my National Health Service number was temporarily suspended. On return I had the same number but with letters that identified me as being from Plymouth - our first UK port of call on the way back, and where I had passed through UK immigration, even though I didn't go ashore until Tilbury.

Now my NHS number is a longer set of numbers with no place of origin identifiers.
My original National Health Service number was my wartime National Registration card number. The first three letters identified me as having been in Wales when it was issued.

But when I went to Australia my National Health Service number was temporarily suspended. On return I had the same number but with letters that identified me as being from Plymouth - our first UK port of call on the way back, and where I had passed through UK immigration, even though I didn't go ashore until Tilbury.

Now my NHS number is a longer set of numbers with no place of origin identifiers.

But does it start with a one or two as it statistically should.

American SS#s can have a leading zero, and the zero is important. Usually those were issued on the upper East Coast. New Engjand States
There's an article in The Intercept about the cops possibly the DEA using stingrays to track rioters. Of course they call them protesters.

That capability has been long known but what I wonder is was that article planted to try to get the rioters to turn their cell phones off?

It diminishes command and control such as anarchists have any, and improves optics by letting the State control video.

Much as I'm in favor of sticking it to these particular rioters, I'm not necessarily in favor of the state leaning on live video feeds or the ability of the citizens to communicate with each other without big brother knowing who you are coordinating with.
Is it morning yet?

Chilly here today, rained all day yesterday, I think the high today is 66.

Seems like a good day to hide indoors.

It's 53°F here and an excellent day not to be cooped up inside. It might even get up as high as 70°, down on the flatlands.
But does it start with a one or two as it statistically should.

American SS#s can have a leading zero, and the zero is important. Usually those were issued on the upper East Coast. New Engjand States

No. My seven digit NHS number starts with a six. My eight digit hospital number starts with 01.
Lunchtime. We have all the Jabbas here. Hutt City. Jabba senior was gonna take us to lunch at a place he liked when we were here before. Guess it didn't survive the covid shut-down. Oh well.

Of course, they couldn't bother to tell me where they were going next, so I went and scored some takeoutSo, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Until the company chaplain shows up day after tomorrow.

The toilet was a pain. The electric panel repair went pretty easily.



Afternoon folks.

I take it the panel wasn't a FPE panel. Those bitches have an undocumented feature of burning breakers.

I got a Miami SS# too, just not those numbers. :)
Home with the cat. Grazing in.

Got a mid-Atlantic SS#. As far as straight-up numbers go, mine is lower than my mother's and brother's. Dad was from CT and his started with 045. Fer as I kin tell, hain't much rhyme-er-reason to how they dole those things out. But they come from the gummint, right? And they're here to he'p??? :rolleyes:

Jabba senior said something I missed part of about having a play date, just us kids, and he'd approve the reimbursement. Problem for Wat is, he's sees more than enough other Jabbas every week so that time off needs to be time off. Like, away from them-n-there. The last guys I worked with, Hell, I'd go and do something. I guess I'm a racist as far as Hutts go . . . .




Usually, California is in the mid to late fives. AZ is 526, 527 UT is 528. Florida should be mid twos.

I'm sure it's completely different now and apparently numbers were assigned differently before 1973 versus after 1973. I'm pretty sure I got mine right about 1973 because that was when we lived in California. My SS card was delivered to Connecticut.

The only thing that I can figure is that the Connecticut school district needed a social security number and I didn't have one so my folks applied for one while we still lived in California but knew where we were moving to. The company moved our stuff but we drove all the way across the country in the station wagon, arriving in Connecticut in the morning on the first day of school.we beat the moving truck by a couple of days.

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Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

Got the bone doctor appointment tomorrow. Two year check-up, and late. Covid delayed it.

The little cat is being pushy this morning. He sleeps downstairs at night but insists on being in my lap in the morning. Funny little fucker.

The coffee turned out well, so there's that.



It's been 2 years since they made you Bionic? Seems more recent than that?

I am about 31 years late for my follow up with the orthopedist.
It just occured to me that most Americans are already quite familiar with the Metric system.

5.56mm, 7.62mm, 9mm, 10mm. Hell, we've been there for decades. :D
I still like my standard measurements (.380) for carry but I’m getting more comfortable with the 9mm.

The new P365 and I are bonding. :)
I kinda like the p238. Hammer. I'll ponder the other. It's not liek either is going on sale any time soon. I'd settle for being in stock.

At work. They're out back removing the tree from the building. Jabbas love work. They could watch it all day.

Funny, I have never found a sense of accomplishment from the activity/production of others.

Mostly a sense of relief when it's over . . . .



I still prefer 289 302 305 307 326 327 350 351 352 360 383 396 400 405 410 426 427 428 429 440 460 454 and 455.
You left out 340.

To think they were once ubiquitous.

Baby, why can't I have you???

I also left out 390 and I use to have one of those. It's a great looking motor. You pop the hood and it looks like a 427 Cobra.
I kinda like the p238. Hammer. I'll ponder the other. It's not liek either is going on sale any time soon. I'd settle for being in stock.

I like my P238, it’s the FDE/Coyote model with the Hogue grips, very comfortable, and has been very reliable.
Lunchtime. We got some hot and we got all the humid. H000mid, even. And we have plenty of st000pid shit to unfuck.

Sweat to Allah, our plumbers test almost none of their work. Got a complaint that a hot water valve was left off when they connected this woman's dishwasher. I know that their boss wants them to hurry, but if you do the work while you're there, then you don't have to stop your next project to go back to finish the last one.

Mom texted to tell me she's home from looking at bath bits. She wants to give her master bath a facelift. I had told her that I think she'd prefer a cast iron tub to a steel one. Her service person didn't know her stock to suit Mom. Here's wagering that being patient will produce her next migraine, maybe tonight. We'll see.

I reckon I'll look at little Sigs, when they get to be back in stock . . . . :rolleyes:



Good afternoon everyone.

Been a weird day weather wise. It was chilly and windy this AM at the range. As soon as the Sun came out the wind quit and the temp. skyrocketed. Now it's semi-overcast and threatening to rain.