TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

You’re having a rough couple weeks!

Low on coffee, out of dry dog food, all beat up.

Pool is probably a mess, too!
It has been unnaturally cool, wet and rainy.
The pool is a mess, many of the tomatoes
have some sort of a rot.
Despite fencing and other measures
there are critters feeding in the garden;
the dogs even found a rabbit's nest.
The local weather says that beginning today,
it's supposed to dry up and warm up, but
I might just give the garden to the weeds...

I don't know which one is the most work for the least reward,
(in no particular order) the garden, the pool or the dogs...
Well, since I tend to cave to the requests pretty easily, I suppose I’ll be finding out.

At least she gave up on asking for chickens.
I used the excuse that we can’t take off to Florida for a month at a time if there are animals to feed. :D
These are all things that fall under the same rubric:

they are their own best cure...

Once you have one, in a short time, your mantra becomes: Never Again.
I used the excuse that we can’t take off to Florida for a month at a time if there are animals to feed. :D

You phrased that incorrectly. It should have been "you can't take off to FL with me if you have animals to feed." Of course the answer might be illuminating in it's own right. :)

Good morning folks
You phrased that incorrectly. It should have been "you can't take off to FL with me if you have animals to feed." Of course the answer might be illuminating in it's own right. :)

Good morning folks

Good morning!

Either way we have no chickens. :D
Wat is fortunate in having Mobile Critter. He, the cat, is not always quite so wild about that, but he adapts.

Seems to be mostly wind now. Wonder how much Localized Flooding there is out there. I guess I could check the tides . . . .

Naw, fuck that. I'll be out in it soon enough.

Tropical Twat . . . .



Maybe 2 weeks ago the brick of $2 bills I ordered came in and I picked up a strap of twenties at the same time. I've had this account for over a decade and they've never suffered any kind of loss whatsoever.

The lady in the drive thru wanted me to re-sign with my full name instead of initials. I hadn't really noticed but my signature has devolved over time to where it's basically just initials. I never have occasion to sign anything other than the scrawl on the point of sale machines, which nobody checks.

Apparently, I was a little more conscientious on my driver's license and only lost maybe a couple of letters of my last name. That was at the time when people paid good money for my signature and I used to have to sign everything in quadruplicate, so I had lots of practice with my signature and it had a certain look to it back then.

There went and pulled the signature card and that didn't match either. There was a time when people in this branch knew me, but I hardly ever have occasion to go into a branch anymore. They finally decided that I wasn't robbing the place especially since I had to order the brick of $2 bills a couple of weeks in advance and that it be kind of a dumb way to rob a bank.

This week I wrote out of very large check. I never write checks of any size, turn this one would purchase a few Priusi. Tonightchecking my voicemails and of got one from the bank I'm pretty sure they're holding the check up while they try to decide whether not I really signed it. This time I was careful to sign it like the signature card.
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I love the $2 bill...

They should turn the dollar bill into a coin and eliminate pennies and nickels.
I love the $2 bill...

They should turn the dollar bill into a coin and eliminate pennies and nickels.

They keep trying. The penny will never go away. How in the world would the various states collect their taxes? Always round up to the nearest dollar? That won't fly and the state would never tolerate rounding down.
Round up to the nearest dime; it has less value than the penny used to.

Put Lincoln on the dime.
Your most historically valued
should be on the unit of least value
since more are going to be in circulation...
We are getting some rain. I wonder if it's the outer bands of that hurricane. Isyouadidis.
Twos make great conversation pieces and better tips. You'll get a bigger smile out of two twos than one five.

On the rare occasion that I give anything to homeless person I give them a two. I tell them, "If you can hang on to it, it will change your life."

One guy got very wide-eyed. "Why? Will it be worth more later?

I said no there's plenty of them there not really collectible.

It's says, "Oh well what's it worth now?"

-Two Dollars-
Tips are exactly the reason that I used to order them.

Now I really don't carry cash and pay in plastic.

I don't give a shit as to who
is on the new $20 bill.
I have thousands
in the safe...
I haven't heard of that before. It seems like the odometer law. Odometers start at zero and it takes a while for each leading digit to climb.

I've only recently realized that Arizona has changed how they issued license plate numbers. It used to be 3 numbers followed by 3 letters then it became 3 letters followed by 3 numbers and then somewhere we went to seven digits.

Recently I think it's the 4th and 6th places are numbers and all the restaurant letters so everyone looks like they have some sort of hard to read personalized license plate. I was scratching my head on numerous plates until I realized what they were doing.

It's kind of complicated but I once caught 800 phony Social Security numbers by paging through thousands of them and flagging about 2,500 as suspicious. I knew I was using some sort of intuition but I couldn't explain how I did it. Turns out what are was probably looking forward what are note as scrambled ladders. For sample every never between 1 and ate but not in that order. There something like a 1in 20,000 chance of that happening with no repeating digits. When people are making one up they try to avoid repeating digits, because of them it looks can't ride. But somehow it was setting off my radar before I knew what I was looking for. The other thing was a number would look "out of place." Without really meaning to i had built a mental math in my head at what a social security number in a given part of the country "looks" like. Used to be the first three digits had something to do with the state you lived in when it was issued. I remember getting my social security number when I was probably 9 years old and we lived in Connecticut what I did not realize is my parents obviously had ordered it when we lived in California because I came down your stand the my social security number was associated with California.

In those days anything starting with a 600 was phony. They ran out of numbers so now those are valid but they're relatively young people. Anything starting with a7 is not actually a social security number it's a Railroad Retirement System number.
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In any population of random numbers, the first digit of each random number will be 1, 30% of the time, 2 17% of the time, and so on. It doesn't seem logical, but it works consistently.

It's one of the algorithms the IRS uses to catch tax cheats.
I'll keep that in mind. . .

There's probably a coral Larry to that it has something to do with why you do not get the distribution of change that you would theoretically get if you're change was always random. That one has puzzled me for a long time.

Imma leave that voice-to-text error in because it's funny.