TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Home with the cat. I stopped and scored us some eats. I like mine. He's not so sure about his.

Talked to Mom while driving home. Yes, she got the migraine. Yes, she took the knock-'em-out pill for it so she's okay now. Until she gets one tomorrow or the next day. It's retaliatory.

Jabba s000per made a few bad decisions this afternoon. No changes there. I'm open to transfer. One fo the last guys I worked with had his bladder removed. Cancer. Please, Allah, grant me my wishes.

As soon as I figure out what they are . . . . :rolleyes:



Technically, Jabba and I are identical rank as we have the same start date. I remind him with some regularity. He gets the gig because of Jabba senior. And it's kind of annoying. This is easier, however.

I was s'posed to run that gig in TN, which was to have started in January of '19. And started for real in May. I took one for the team by staying at the job from Hell to get it finished. Frankly, it had to be done.

That may have derailed being a lead s000per anytime too soon. Maybe. I know that getting moved back here (which was done to get this one finished, too, for the same inspector) has also done me no favors.

What happens sometimes when one doesn't play out of the I-formation . . . .



You don't want the headache of being the lead.
You get any blame and have to pass credit on to others
to keep their ego in working mode. Plus you need better Spanish skills...

Good morning folks!!!

You got that reversed SC, they're subs. They get the blame and you get the kudos. :)
Happy Thursday!!!

Jabba senior gets all the credit and we get all the blame. But, since he pisses in Jabba s000per's ear and threatens his job, Wat doesn't care. Besides, I'd rather be outta Jabba senior's 'hood anyway. Wat doubts that he ever gets put on waivers. He's the one who will get out of the truck.

Gotta go see the bone doc today. And we get a free lunch. This guy doesn't Jabba it.

It was nice sleeping in a bit, and the coffee turned out verra well.



I just finished filling the crockpot with chili ingredients,
I had to buy them but I don't have to deal with Jabbas either.
Hope your bone doctor approves of how you've been
maintaining your cyborg parts.
Work, chores and coffee is today's agenda, same as yesterday.
It is unseasonably cool here too;
house-open cool...

it's nice.

Ain't Glow Ball Warning Hell?
I processed a ton of tomatoes yesterday for spaghetti sauce.

I have enough ripe tomatoes already that I can
get started on a nice chili sauce/base...

It's all for the freezer
and this winter.
I may have to hit J up for some maters for freezing for s'ghetti sauce this winter. She's got a good crop this year, and she won't mind.

It's not like I'll keep the sauce to myself. Wats share, as a general rule.

Gotta pack and get ready to scoot. I was gonna ride to the doctors, but the chance of rain makes that look like poor judgment.




Without poor judgement from time to time I’d have missed out on some great experiences!

Go for it!
~~ tee hee ~~​

Now I don't stay up so late,
so poor judgement happens
in the bright light of day.

Up here in the boonies there are few opportunities to exercise my poor judgement, which is probably good.
I'ma Hans to the durr in the truck. I'll leave from there and don't have to come home and switch.

And change outta my wet clothes-n-shoes.

Insh'Allah, if I work Saturday, I'll ride for that. But I think that little Jabba had his kids last weekend, so he'll likely work the day before Nagasaki Day.

And there's thunder rolling in, so I'm outta here, sticking with my . . . drier judgment. I sure did enjoy some Poor Decisions, however . . . .


