TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Random thought:

Even when we get a vaccine,
masks should remain mandatory...


It just improves the look of the community.

:D :D :D
I may have to hit J up for some maters for freezing for s'ghetti sauce this winter. She's got a good crop this year, and she won't mind.

It's not like I'll keep the sauce to myself. Wats share, as a general rule.

Gotta pack and get ready to scoot. I was gonna ride to the doctors, but the chance of rain makes that look like poor judgment.





Orthopedists love to see you ride. Future business!
I have a list of ex's for my bad judgment, or maybe that was just life lessons

As for my dogs, they adopt other animals. My pets have pets so I nominate them for PITA ranking.
Good afternoon all.

They're tearing up my street.................again. They had just torn up the old asphalt, brought in fresh soil that meets specs, compacted it, and then laid down fresh asphalt. Today they tore up one lane and are going to extend the curb out into where the asphalt used to be. Nothing like the taxpayer paying for a job done twice. :rolleyes:
Good afternoon all.

They're tearing up my street.................again. They had just torn up the old asphalt, brought in fresh soil that meets specs, compacted it, and then laid down fresh asphalt. Today they tore up one lane and are going to extend the curb out into where the asphalt used to be. Nothing like the taxpayer paying for a job done twice. :rolleyes:

was watching paint dry too exciting for your old ticker, ismale?
Home/scrotel13. Dining in.

Got the trannies hooked up with a/c, temp style. This was after getting here at lunchtime and then having lunch with the chaplain and Jabbas. Then got to my appointed shit - late. Still got a bit done.

There's a rumor afoot that the closing for the second phase is dragging behind. That means that we might get scattered to the four winds. Which would maybe get Wat outta Jabba-land. Sounds good, on the surface. That said, be careful what you pray for. More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones.

Hell, today isn't over . . . yet . . . .



The PA is very pleased with my hip. He wants to see me again in three years. Hmmm, okay.

I did ask him about my aching wrist. I was looking for a referral, guessing that's what would happen. Hell, e ordered xrays of the hip and he tossed the wrist in, too. Seems I have a touch of arthritis. There's a bit of hardened cartilage where there should be a gap, and likely that's what hurts. So they hooked me up with a brace.

And I ordered another one online just now. Wearing the thing seemed to help a bit. The chaplain mentioned someone who used Tiger Balm on theirs, so I figured I'd try the Icy-Hot at night.

You know, as log as it doesn't wake me up at night, it ain't that fucking bad.



On this date in 1890: At Auburn Prison in New York, murderer William Kemmler becomes the first person to be executed by electric chair.


William Francis Kemmler (May 9, 1860 – August 6, 1890) of Buffalo, New York, a peddler and known alcoholic, was convicted of murdering Matilda "Tillie" Ziegler, his common-law wife.[1] He would become the first person in the world to be legally executed using an electric chair. In spite of a successful prior test with a horse, killing him did not go smoothly.

William Kemmler was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Both of his parents were immigrants from Germany, and both were alcoholics.[2] After dropping out of school at age 10, having learned neither how to read nor write, Kemmler worked in his father's butcher shop. His father would die from an infection that he received after a drunken brawl and his mother from complications of alcoholism. Kemmler was reportedly slender, with dark brown hair. He spoke both English and German.

The New York Times provided a summary of what had occurred as follows:

William Kemmler was a vegetable peddler in the slums of Buffalo, New York. An alcoholic, on March 29, 1888, he was recovering from a drinking binge the night before when he became enraged with his girlfriend [elsewhere referred to as his common-law wife] Tillie Ziegler. He accused her of stealing from him and preparing to run away with a friend of his. When the argument reached a peak, Kemmler calmly went to the barn, grabbed a hatchet, and returned to the house. He struck Tillie repeatedly, killing her. He then went to a neighbor's house and announced he had just murdered his girlfriend.

Anyway, read the fucking link. This poor bastard never really had a chance, it looks like.

Be kinder to yourself or you'll end up in a fill body cast. :D

Kemmler's sounds like thousands of others. Shitty parents, shitty childhood, shitty ending.
Avocado-Cilantro-Lime Triscuits have earned my seal of approval. I don't really taste avocu, but the lime comes through and the unheralded dried jalapeno in the ingredients list gives a subtle zing to it.

Called it a night early last night. On the way home, I feared my second poor quality wheel-bearing was going. I swerved right like Tom Jones, the slight noise abated, swerved left it increased. Turns out, that tire was low and my hijinks allowed the bead to collapse. Flat. Three blocks from home. On a slight grade. Put on my factory alloy spare. Replaced the spare with the 9riginal donut spare the donuts in Great shape and I've used it several times but a 12 year old tire is kind of contraindicated. I feel weird replacing my donut though.

Ordered from Tire Rack same tires my mechanic gets for 40 and sold me for 50 (installed) for 75 a copy. Took a chance shipping them to my door since this place is not in the USPS dataset. Took a nap. Missed the call from Tire Rack. El Banco needs them to confirm my Direccion de billing. Woke after customer service racked out for the night, so that's gonna delay my tires.

Re-did my Blue Devil treatment. It definitely helped, no longer over pressures into the overflow reservoir, but seems to consume a minor bit of coolant, especially on start up. I'm hoping it is even more better gooder now. Granite around in the heat and left it running in the parking lot with your conditioning running while I shopped this afternoon and everything seemed hunky-dory. Added a shot-glass of coolant, but that could be air pockets. Priusi have notoriously belchy tummies after a coolant change. The burp-funnel I bought has been well worth it.

Speaking of swerving, I have located the correct part number for the TRD upgraded anti-sway bar from the Matrix/Pontiac Vibe for the rear and some urethane bushings for a bigger front Corolla bar that I have not sourced yet.

Cons: $210 for the rear bar, $34 for some bushings and s trip.to the junkyard for the front bar. Probable pay a guy to do the front one. I'm not dropping the subframe while underneath a car on gravel.

Pro: braggimg rights., flatter cornering, probably help with the tendency to wear the front, outer shoulders of my tires, the rear bar is read and is festooned with a TRD logo.

Then again, it's still a Prius, I cant stiffen it or drop it and weighs too much.

Maybe racing stripes instead. . . .
Good afternoon all.

They're tearing up my street.................again. They had just torn up the old asphalt, brought in fresh soil that meets specs, compacted it, and then laid down fresh asphalt. Today they tore up one lane and are going to extend the curb out into where the asphalt used to be. Nothing like the taxpayer paying for a job done twice. :rolleyes:

I live in the land of chip and seal.
It's always additive, but I have to fix the gravel driveway
where it meets the road every single spring to bring it up to level...

"Avocado-Cilantro-Lime Triscuits"

This is a phrase that doesn't sound even remotely good to me...
Happy Friday!!!

Praises to Allah, the work week is coming to an end. I declined to inquire, but 'I'm pretty sure that this is Little Jabba's weekend - if anyone even works this weekend. This is pretty close to the end here, and it looks a lot like we're working up to the point where they "accept" it and nothing more.

I like the whole old car trial-and-error, keep-it-going stories. Those are the kinds of things that make me happeh. That and pets who acquire their own pets. I hope that Kitteh doesn't adopt a baby possum or something.

And I like this-hyah coffee . . . .



If dummy dog adopts a pet, I hope it’s smarter than he is.

So just after getting all of my bumpers finished, I saw sneak peek photos of the new Raptor. Coils in the rear suspension, better ground clearance, and what looks like Fox reservoir shocks.

Her dogs adopted a cat which had been left by "people" who had moved out, if I remember the story correctly.

I joked about the possum. This is the cat that tracked down the baby possum that got in the house last year by climbing in the dryer vent. Honest, ossifer, that's what the blood stain on the living room carpet is.

Or was that two years ago?

Per the other thread: Wat has let the hair-n-VanDyke go since first of the year. I use nothing on the beard, but as the handlebar is getting toward ape-hanger stage, I have use MUDstache wax and something called Fisticuffs. The former is creamier and easier to apply. The latter is best prepared by allowing it to sit under a hot water stream in the sink for a minute or so. Don't be stingy. Either will hold for most of the day, but the latter seems to have a bit more staying power.



Luckily dummy didn’t kill the chipmunk that got in, Roscoe. I wouldn’t have wanted to clean that up after seeing what he does to any stuffed toy I’ve given him.

I’m pretty sure Roscoe lives somewhere under the back deck, he’s taken to sitting on the deck railing or on the edge of the hot tub and making little screechy sounds until I throw him some peanuts. He’s obviously a democrat. Needy little thing.