TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

You should see what Big Stupid does to the shot squirrels that she finds.

Of course, they always end up at the back door
and have to be disposed of a second time...

I was thinking of napping between these infrequent assignments and was near home. Right then I get an assignment going to go past my house.

I'm going down the main highway then instead of continuing to my destination I hang a right and start heading into my neighborhood, only to realize..."wait I was on my way somewhere else."

Probably time for a nap
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You should see what Big Stupid does to the shot squirrels that she finds.

Of course, they always end up at the back door
and have to be disposed of a second time...


I’ve never had a pet before, I’d be paranoid and running him to the vet every time worried he’d contracted some strange blood borne squirrel virus.


I’ve never had a pet before, I’d be paranoid and running him to the vet every time worried he’d contracted some strange blood borne squirrel virus.

You learn.

Some years ago, when we lived on the lake, we had two bigger dogs.
One got bit by a copperhead and then the other stuck its nose
in to see what bit the first one, and got bit too.

Well, we rushed them to the vet where they were given Benadryl
and we got a lecture on loving neglect when it comes to dogs.

So the next spring, one got bit on the paw and the other,
of course, stuck its paw into the same cranny.
They got Benadryl.

It was funny seeing the Dalmatian-Australian Shepard's head
swell up like one of those Chinese dogs with all the skin flaps...
Dummy gets Benadryl during thunder/lightning, otherwise he tries to climb the drapes, and he’s quite athletic!
Probably not Fourth of July friendly...

There are only a couple of houses within a mile or so of me, mainly farm land and national forest. I’ve never heard any fireworks.

I’m not exactly in the middle of nowhere, but I have a pretty good view of it.
I think that the bottom of the goatee bit could use a bit of a trim

But if I do, I might wind up with a Ramses II kind of look.

Maybe I'll ask the local wimminz what they think I should do with it.

And then I'll do what I think best, and if I don't like it, I'll cut it off and start over . . . .



Thanks for the input on the Mustascha and chin whiskers.

I hadn't really thought of it but I had not pictured SC traditional. Only one of my Native friends had a traditional long braid which he from time to time lops off and donates to Locks of Love. He's just a few years younger than I butt he is a grandfather courtesy of his ex-wife who is also his current wife.
That reminds me of my grandmother who married three men four times.

My grandfather was numbers one and four.

Some of my aunts and uncles
pass as white people...

Three and two.
Full count.
I will probably jinx it by saying something, but this car is running awfully well. I may put off changing the plugs because I think they burned off that fouling.

Yay, Iridium!

It helps that the outside temperature is only 77 degrees and that <maybe> all of the combustion is happening inside the combustion chamber.
I think that by the end of the weekend,
a lot of us will be back to warmer, more normal, temperatures.
Yes it is.
I have tomatoes to precess and chili to make.

Life is good.
The weather is spectacular for this place this time of year.
Hypocrisy is totally lost on some people:

“At the very least,” Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad al-Qasimi, one of the rulers of the United Arab Emirates, said days after Turkey’s Islamic annexation of Hagia Sophia, “we demand the return of Córdoba Mosque [currently the Cathedral of Córdoba in Spain], which was granted to the church, as this is a gift which doesn’t belong to those [Christians] who don’t deserve it.”

Sure, okay.

I know, we can swap.

For Constantinople.

It's equitable in Wat's World . . . .



My computer spent the last couple of days in the Computer Hospital. Had an infection. The work email was sending out thousands of spam emails, of its own accord. Which then resulted in thousands of bounce back messages.

I'm not a proponent of the death penalty, but I wouldn't be opposed to cutting the hands off the asshats that infect people's computers. And castration too, while we have the knife out.