TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I think that some of them already self-castrate and join cults...

I'm guessing that you have a Windows-based machine?

;) ;)
Yes, winders... I'm not a computer guy and don't even have a computer at home. For work I just have an offa the shelf Dell. Word, Outlook and Chrome is all I use, although it seems to have lots of other stuff.

I just want to type a letter, send an email, and look at porn.
There will be no next time. I have three more years of needing a computer and this one will last me that long.
*fingers crossed*

;) ;)

We'll miss you.
For a few days, at least, I promise,
by the Thread Poster's Association bylaws, I swear it!

You're getting paid more than I am which is why I have to rely on volume...

Pumped up to 11-type volume.
Next time, spend a little on a MacBook...


I got family inside Apple and can get employee cost. I've always admired their OS from afar going back to Macintosh and never have I owned or used any of it. There was always a reason. When I was an appraiser, my $1,000 a year software was glitchy and windows-based. Finally got that and windows both stable on Windows XP, and didnt dare try it in an win emulator.

Now? I'm just old and resistant to change. I havent opened my laptop or netbook in at least three years.

I just bought 4 tires from Tire Rack. I used my phone to get to their website to get their number and called them. On the phone.

I'm hoping Sears Roebuck has the big, glossy Christmas catalog this year.

I shudder to think of my Biden years.
Lunchtime. There seems to be some Friday st000pid going on. Third worst tenant on site - bitch is in the breezeway drinking her cheap red wine outta cheap wine glass (not the bottle) - and the wood butchers fucked up three times.

Of course, I'm trying to work next door, and bitch keeps coming to get me to piss in my ear. So, on time number 4, I went over, hit the thing twice with my hammer, and it works perfectly now.

Last time I was looking at Apples, I bought a chromebook. Same price as a PC. Of course, chrome probably knows every nipple i have scoped, but they don't let asshats plague me with bullshit, praises to Allah.

I just amused myself thinking of Jabba stories when he talks about what he thinks people think. Every word he spits on the topic is wrong . . . . :rolleyes:



You're right Wat, last year a family moved away and left their cat behind because he was old and sick. They hadn't really been much of owners anyway but that was really crappy of them. The dogs started bringing him in through the dog door when they came in so we named him Milton. He was with us 8 months before he passed and I still miss that sweet man. Through the years we've also had several birds, a few frogs and toads, a couple of squirrel babies, some stray kittens and puppers and one really pissed off muskrat. That thing screamed the whole time my dog held it in her mouth wagging her tail like she had done the greatest thing ever.
Home with the cat. Stopped and got Numbah Wun Fuckee - because I could. The cat is iffy on this new canned stuff. He eats it - eventually.

Gotta work tomorrow. Which means, gotta babysit the site tomorrow. I ain't workin' shit. Unless I absolutely have to.

Maintenance said they'd sort out the late afternoon washing machine leak. And then didn't. And it's a lead pipe cinch that no one named Jabba went to look at it, either. I mean, bitch was on the third fucking floor. Girlfriend can do her laundry this weekend, thanks to Wat.

There is no end to his wondemousness, because doin' right ain't got no end . . . . :rolleyes:



While riding home, I saw a vanity plate that said BEACH HO.

I don't think that I read what they thought they were saying . . . .'



Happy Saturday folks.

Got a little shopping to do and then it'll be time to get on the reloading press.
Happy Saturday!!!

I'm going to work. I hope that I don't have to reload. It should just be a babysitting mission.

Looks like a rainy afternoon, so that should run off the outside folks. Speaking of, I have a story to tell on my favorite company.

But first, coffee . . . .



There can't be that many showing up at the site Wat so if you have to reload it's because you haven't been practicing. :D
Oh, I imagine I'm better with no practice than the locals are.

Seems there was an armed altercation out there while i was out. One of our new windows has a bullet hole, and we have a couple of pieces of ventilated siding to replace.

And here I had thought that that guy was okay, but someone disagrees.

I always miss all the fun stuff . . . .



Good morning, but one with a new problem that I really don't know how to deal with.
Big stupid is going senile. First off she's going on 17 and spends most of her time asleep.
She will no longer obey any commands; getting her to come means grabbing her by the collar.
Several times in the past week, I have found dog accidents by the front door.
Last night was enjoying a TV show and the little shit just went over and peed,
didn't even try to let anyone know that she needed out...
It's like she's no longer housebroken.
She has her one little spot under the kitchen table where she spends all of her time.

I'm calling her Jo Biden now...
Maybe she’s not senile and has just gotten to the age where she no longer cares about your opinion!

“Pffft, he’ll clean it up, I’ll go where I want.”
If the heat and humidity had not returned to us,
the little shit would be outside for hours on end.
As it is, I don't think she could take it health wise.
She's taken to panting even in the air-conditioning.