TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I keep thinking that its only a matter of time
and to be patient, but it is hard when the
steam vac becomes a permanent
living room fixture...

PS - Have you noticed the repetition in the DCL posts?

He's turning into a Bidenism right before our very eyes...

Everything new, a remake...
However, we're not even getting enhanced CGI.
Maybe he needs to team up with Izzy for some gimmickry.

Check the old dog and see if you notice any swelling in her feet and/or little short legs. The panting suggests to me that she could either be approaching congestive heart failure or that she has a growth in her ribcage/diaphragm area.

If you put her down, up-caliber to a 9. For my sake.

Yeah, our DeeCeeEllieMae just ain't the same ol' nag she used to be. Twarn't funny then, and is truly pathetic now. Think about it - you almost know what it's gonna say before it posts.

Are you still a Mensa member even if you forget to pay your dues??!?



I'll check her out, but if I put her down, it will be by vet injection.

I've had that go wrong before and
I don't believe they should feel pain at the end.
OKay, good idea.

My last vet, the one who put down the big cat in April, was excellent.

Which reminds me, I need to take Little Shit in sometime for a check-up.

He seems fine, and he certainly is plenty talkative . . . .



Yeah, it's expensive, but we do biannual checkups,
especially at their age now, but it was weird last time
having to wait out in the truck and have them get the dogs.

They will also have the complete life record of the dogs proving they led a good life.

Yeah, it was Covid Cat Putdown. They came to get him for his exam and then came to get me for his demise.


That was a shitty morning. I just thought he was sick or something.

He was a good boy, and his rose seems to be making itself at home . . . .

I keep trying to kill my fish by neglect
(well not actively trying, it just happens)
so that I can be rid of this huge tank and
all of the cleaning it requires but the little
fakers just keep breeding -- prolifically!

Add more wudka to the water.

I went out and bought cat food. The little fucker is being finicky this week.

He'll eat that cheap-ass Meow Mix over at J's house, bt he hasn't touched the dish of it at our house all week. It's not even disturbed. So I bought some more Good Shit. And a few more cans.

It's not like he eats much anyway . . . .

Is the sun over the yardarm yet???

Always . . . .


A Molotov cocktail, also known as a petrol bomb, gasoline bomb, bottle bomb, poor man's grenade, fire bomb (not to be confused with an actual fire bomb), fire bottle or just Molotov, sometimes shortened as Molly, is a generic name used for a variety of bottle-based improvised incendiary weapons.

Due to the relative ease of production, Molotov cocktails have been used by criminals, protesters, rioters, urban guerrillas, terrorists, irregular soldiers, or even regular soldiers short on equivalent military-issue weapons. They are primarily intended to ignite rather than completely destroy targets, and are often used just as much to cause chaos as to actually do damage, sometimes being used as weapons during riots and mass protest.



Yeah, for whatever reason, the dogs made sure that I did not sleep in.

I have the last cup of my favorite coffee,
now maybe I'll stop procrastinating and order some more.
I like kicking horse coffee, and a place stocks it locally along with
fresh baked goods so I always have an excuse to grab a danish