TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Well, it's certainly there, and one should never bypass the low hanging fruit.

But then again, that and what falls from the tree is what feeds to Lit weasel, habitual creature that it is.

And desperately in need of a sound beating if only to hear its wails and yelps of pain.

Wat, why are you so mean????

The answer lies in life itself...

Now, burn some josh.
Out there somewhere is a cat that needs the scent.
Just one damned thing after another.

Okay, reckon I need to get it in gear. No more of this wanking about stuff.

You kids have fun and be careful running with scissors.

I may use plastic forks to torment the weasels today . . . .

We survived the Jabba visit, thanks be to Allah.

Now, to make a quiet afternoon of it all.

We got the internet back on - fucking finally!!!

Damned cu(n)t cable . . . .

Is that the one who just offed herself?

Just finished some sanding and painting.
Now it's time for my afternoon coffee.
Now, you know I cunt be arsed to keep up with all that pop culture shit.

I put in to take off two more days next month. We'll see what happens.

So far so good otherwise . . . .

I just saw a thread on it.

I'm assuming it will soon be a death attributed to the virus.

Yeah, I knew what you meant, but as far as learning about it . . . that's too much like caring!!! Fuck that fucking shit!!!

Praises to Allah, the weasels have wrapped up for today. I should be outta here shortly.

The t-storm didn't amount to much. We might get another, maybe.

Gonna be a quiet night . . . .

Second round of chemical warfare laid in. And I can't find Basil anywhere. I may have to start from seed dammit. Same with the Dill. And if I'm going to have to do that I have to start soon or I'll run out of Plan B too.
Speaking of which, I need to get a new pair of "Sonics." Those foam things aren't worth a damn.
Home/satellite. Grazed in.

Watching a bit of t000b intersperced with some Y000T000be.

I bounced the idea of taking the other two days off and making a two week break of it. That way, it'll be easy to go to see the kids and I can still get some shit done at home, too.

Wonder what Jabba will have to say . . . .

Good morning!

Still have some project to work on, more Killz and caulking to do
before the rains hit later this afternoon/evening. So far, three
days of the rainfall predicted. No one should die though...

Happy payday Wednesday!!! I think this is why Wat goes to work. That and to stimulate the stimulus.

Looks like a nice enough day, but a bit cooler this morning.

There will be weasels nonetheless.

And now, there are paid bills and coffee . . . .
