TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I was reading some about the young Lincoln and one neighbor said
that he was more fond of his paycheck than his work.
Abe said his dad taught him to work, but
not how to enjoy it...

They don't call it re-creation for nuttin'.

Of course, weasels can fuck that up for a body.

Time for a refill . . . .

Good morning.

I think I'll go out to the range today and then spend some time trying to rack down some Basil. Failing that I'll buy some seeds............dammit.

I have another receiver in the jig and ready to get started on. Takes about 6 hours total to get it ready to assemble. The finishing part may be delayed in that my sand blasting guy (uses sapphire aggregate to put the base finish on the metal) is one of those non-essential businesses. Fucking governor. I bought a new router and am looking forward to giving it a workout.
I'm enjoying cup #2.

I was block sanding yesterday.
I could have got out the power tools,
but it was just such a nice, warm day sitting in the sun...
What kills weasels du jour????

Vacation Boy is back from vacay. He prolly should have stayed there. If we could just teach that boy to have a Sense of Urgency.

Him and the rest of (most of) the millennials. But he's older than they are, so I have no idea what his excuse is.

Not a cloud in the sky today . . . .

Afternoon tea time.

Tracked down some Basil so that's in. Ended up buying Dill seed along with Marjoram and more Basil. Planted the Dill earlier and will get the second Basil and Marjoram in a little later.

Nice day out there but on the windy side but wind is what we get this time of year. <shrug>

Oh, and cats carry the Wuhan Flu too. Friggin multi-specie BS.
Home, with cat.

Got a note from the SPCA that one of Mom's friends had made a donation to them in honor of the deceased kitteh. Maybe I can apply it to the adoption fee for a replacement kitteh. Still up in the air for the moment on that one.

We got our ADA unit started. It's going to be challenging. Jabba the super has made a bad decision already. I await . . . moar!!!

Picked up ice cream for dessert, so . . . .

The little cat sounds like an old school bomb.

Happy B-day to Vlad Lenin and Bettie Page.

Happy Death-day to Dick Nixon and Linda Lovelace.


We here at Wat's Thread aim to please.

When stopping off in our potty, you aim too, please.

My herb gardens are being rebuilt, the landscaping timbers finally rotted out,
but hey, it's okay, they devolved into mint, lemon grass and one last pathetic sage 'bush.'
Now I and regretting setting the corner posts of the raised bed in concrete; it all has
to be dug up. At least everything but the sage has spread into the nearby yard.

:D ;) ;)

Damned hellhounds woke me up at 3AM. Critter? Tremors? Bad dreams?
Who knows? I am up now...

I can always put on a movie and take a nap later,
it's gray and rainy as per usual.
Good morning.

I built planters out of Cedar some years ago. So far they're still holding up.

Lemon Grass? I could go for some of that.
It seems to be pretty invasive.

The clematis is blooming and the air is infused with lilac perfume.
Red Buds are dark red now and the roses are blooming.
My three-year old peony bush has its first ever buds.

The odiferous house ants have emerged from hibernation.
I hate those little fawkers...
Happy Thursday!!!

Woke up a few minutes after 3 and never went all the way back to sleep. The little cat fidgets sometimes, and he was a bit fidgety. No matter.

Traffic was heavier Monday for no apparent reason, unless maybe people have had enough hibernation and are coming back out. Of course, it was cloudy and rainy ad the visibility sucked, too.

Cuppa numbah t000 . . . .

I'm on my second cup too...

Have to get the new tags for the truck today.
I hope I get the sticker because I don't want to memorize a new plate number.
I do notice that all sources of revenue for the state are "essential."

;) ;)


they force the public to go to them...
We don't have that option.
They want to see your property tax returns in person...

Caesar is ruthless in collecting his geld in Misery.