TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Lunch time. Lonche. Chingao!!!

Warm and humid today. May be some rain later. I have two guys to get into the next phase units to measure for cabinets. So far so good. No Jabbas around me.

I found a manager job for a residential builder in town. They want someone to create a system for job tracking. Think: money following. Thirty-three years ago, I worked for a man who was perfect at that about. Guess what Wat never forgot? And it'd be a real manager's job, as opposed to be a "manager" and working on fucking punch list items, and getting bossed around by a self-aggrandized bastard.

It might be worth updating my resume for . . . .



Speaking of nuts-

I bought 25 lbs of walnut shells and a cheap hand blaster at Wuhan Freight. I am underwhelmed by the results or impressed with the durability of the paint on the factory alloys. They dont look painted. Who paints aluminum, aluminium color? I ended up hand sanding the rough spots, filing the curbed edge and re-painting.

One down, six to go.

ETA: three down, three to go. Tried groundglass. No good either. I've decided my WuFlu Achoo machine does not sneeze out media at an appropriate velocity. Might be more effective to just fling handfuls of sand at the problem..
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Yeah, I think I know how to get a call. If I can get my foot in the door . . . .

Then again, there may be something break a-loose here, but I kinda doubt it as long as Jabba senior.

You guys could be my Character References.

"Mr. Future Bossman, I met these fine folks on a pR0n site . . . ."



No, it’s fairly open, everything has room to grow.

More importantly, I have decent sight lines. :)

And you're surrounded by corn fields as I recall. Nice setup.

Lunch time. Lonche. Chingao!!!

I found a manager job for a residential builder in town. They want someone to create a system for job tracking. Think: money following. Thirty-three years ago, I worked for a man who was perfect at that about. Guess what Wat never forgot? And it'd be a real manager's job, as opposed to be a "manager" and working on fucking punch list items, and getting bossed around by a self-aggrandized bastard.

It might be worth updating my resume for . . . .

Go for it.
Four matching tires on the car on the four original factory alloys with the four TPMS sensors that it used to recognize and: TADA! I have NO idiot lights on my dash. Finally.

I used to be in the "No, your check is neither in the mail, not 'lost' in the mail" profession in my misspent Ute-hood. My whole life I had one check go missing. It was one of my early mortgage checks so I went a wee bit late. From then on, I drove all my mail to the main post office sort facility by the airport. (Nearby) I got that check back to years later with a mangled envelope stamped "Found in Supposedly Empty Equipment." Weird they had that stamp. Maybe they should double check empty equipment.

About a year ago, a quarterly payment on my storage units in Podunkville went missing. Money order. Never cashed, still havent bothered to get that refunded. Sent a big payment in April, and got a notice today I am WAYYYYY behind. Shit! My stuff is about to be on storage wars. . .

This is a collection of tiny towns. Well I was still brand new in town and had bought my sister and law's place I went in the bank to make a deposit into her account to pay for it and when I told them I'm here to make a payment into my sister in law's account they filled out the paperwork without asking me my name or my sister in law's name. I didn't know anyone in the bank but they knew who I was just because I was in obvious outsider and they knew that my sister-in-law had had her sister and brother-in-law move into town. That's how small this place is. You could put a person's first name and the zip code and somebody would get the mail to the person. So it's a standing that I have this trouble twice.

This time the money order was cashed so I sent him a screenshot of that and he said he take care of it but it's really weird.

It doesn't really matter but just force of habit, I don't do anything that can be tracked. Be a lot simplify just use my checking account. I've written one check in 8 years. That was a rather large check and I'm still waiting for a to clear my account. I don't know why it isn't clearing. I 5hink people just dont want my money.

I just did never really noticed because I generally pay in cash and it's hard for people to not cash my cash especially when they don't know who I am and I've walked away after handing them the cash.
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I just did never really noticed because I generally pay in cash and it's hard for people to not cash my cash especially when they don't know who I am and I've walked away after handing them the cash.

"Paying cash" is virtually the only option available to deadbeats such as yourself with sub-500 credit scores.
I am not in a believer in magic but I'm a big fan of things fixing themselves.

My proximity sensing system is been down for about a month and I still can't get used to not being able to toss Mikey (or my key) into the center console or grab a door handle and have it open. I went to open the hatch forgetting that I hadn't unlocked the car and the proximity system worked for that. It doesn't work to open the door but it now works without putting the key in the slot.

Something they did when they reprogrammed my tire sensors apparently made that kick back on
I am not in a believer in magic but I'm a big fan of things fixing themselves.

My proximity sensing system is been down for about a month and I still can't get used to not being able to toss Mikey (or my key) into the center console or grab a door handle and have it open. I went to open the hatch forgetting that I hadn't unlocked the car and the proximity system worked for that. It doesn't work to open the door but it now works without putting the key in the slot.

Something they did when they reprogrammed my tire sensors apparently made that kick back on

Probably a re-entrant subroutine. The notion that the a computer is hooked up to my brakes and/or steering makes me nervous. It should make everyone nervous.
Happy Thursday!!!

Making the resume fit the position is the "crafted" bit. Thanks be to Allah for being able to tweak a few words to weight this more and that less on an as needed basis. Oh, I did a bit of research and found out that the big boss man is a PhD, so we know how to address the guy correctly. Their egos justify the "piled higher and deeper" quip.

Looks like more t-storms today. And it's likely to be punch list Thursday, sine we have the architect back next Tuesday. And they tend to draw Jabbas like flies.

Good batch of coffee today.



I own around ten vehicles, but usually drive my old 1 ton long box four door. Doesnt even have headrests.
The road bike has enough electronic stuff on it to make a body nervous.

Well, this body.

Not sure if it's worse to leave it all on or to turn it all off.

At least the little one is pretty much just the ECM for the engine, and that's more than complex enough.



My new coffee has yet to arrive, but choice #2 isn't all that bad,
it just tastes a tad, well, thin...
I very rarely do caffeine. I don't get why it is so popular other than it's addictive qualities.

Every once in awhile I'll have a soda when I'm really dragging but I find I do just as well with the sugar from a sugary soda as I do from a sugar free caffeine soda. Caffeine just makes me feel awake, but still tired.
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