TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I very rarely do caffeine. I don't get why it is so popular other than it's addictive qualities.

Every once in awhile I'll have a soda when I'm really dragging but I find I do just as well with the sugar from a sugary soda as I do from a sugar free caffeine soda. Caffeine just makes me feel awake, but still tired.

Sacrilege. Heathen!
I took my teriyaki bowl to a well-lit gas station/mart/carwash/oil change place.

They have a really horrible muzak system with ads in between what seems to be to be purpose-composed bad music. They had a plaintive piece with some chick emoting about "Fill me up, fill me up; I've come so very far. . . "
In most things in life I am cheerfully contrarian. . .except for on the rare occasion that the herd is going my way anyway. The herd wouldn't need the hectoring of the Karen Butters of the world if the things they believe made sense on any objective basis.

I don't see PSAs on the joy and benefits of wiping one's ass.

Well, bear in mind that even if you put the eyes out of one of your squirrels with your Red Ryder BB-gun, they still stumble across a nut every now and again.
I'm a bit ambivalent about the coffin-style tanks. Frankly, I really like my tank on the small bike. The big one is huge - for function. The little one looks pretty good in my eyes.

What was it that Groucho said, something about not wanting to belong to a group which would have him. Sounds like it's on the right path. And yet here we are, all of us children of Allah . . . . :rolleyes:

Even DeeCeeElliemae.

Lemme get ready to herd some weasels . . . .



Well, mine has the Maud-Dib stamp of approval.

I even ordered some of the French Roast which is even stronger.
Maybe it should be renamed "German Roast."
Had our monthly flood here in town last night.

The main street (Second Street, there is no First Street) is about a mile long. Straight as my pecker and with a slight slope. The top half is huge 19th century robber-barron houses and the lower is the main business district. My office is on the corner of the cross street (ironically, "Center" Street) that divides the two.

The street is wide, with a crown but no storm drains. So a gentle rain, the water collects at the curbs and flows to the bottom of the slope and into a basin, and into a river.

But during a deluge like we had last night, Second street is a sight to behold. As is the area at the bottom of the slope. West Virginia City White Water Rafting at it's finest. This morning the business owners at the bottom of the slope are out there in their waders with squeegees in hand.

Seems like a design flaw to me, but we are Antebellum
Yes, it's judgmental. Wats are like that.

So is calling the Brazilians a bunch of football fucking monkeys.

And there is a razor-thin line between being serene and just not giving a fuck.

No matter . . . .



Wat is on the other side of the continental divide.

Lunch time. Grazing in. Cheese sammidges and yogurt, it seems. Maybe a bit of coffee cake for dessert, or is it Danish? It doesn't matter, that's for sure.

Got another busted toilet flange to unfuck. My favorite!!! So, if anyone wonders why I'm job shopping, think no more about it.

Feliz huevos!!!



Shiny new rotor with powder-coated? center installed. Shiny parts are happy parts. The old one saved for 485,000 miles. About 1/16" lip on each side which made wrestling the caliper and pads over that lip a challenge since I didn't think to look for a C-clamp.

The tire shop predictably way over-torqued the lug nuts. With the parking brake on, I moved the car with the cheater bar it took to get it off.

Replacement grill for the one the racoon is wearing arrived, along with upgrades to the factory "fog" lights and grills. The factory ones never survive the first rock and don't seem to illuminate anything. They also are not selectable. Headlights on, they are on. Usually only one. That's how you tell the upgraded "Touring" model without measuring the rear sway bar, three working lights at a time.

I considered having out the factory lights and smoothing out the mounting tabs and giving it a wide-mouty, non-racoon-catching look. Probably will the next time I lose my snap-on, snap out, pay the dealer his $300 revenue stream grille.

Normally, I'd be eager to install, but I'm betting some cussing is going to be involved. One of those- looks simple, likely fitment issue deals