TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Shape aside the tank is too small for the space. It probably looked different in the guy's head while he was fabbing it.
I asked a state cop once in court how far it is from the white stripe at the edge of the interstate to the beginning of the rumble strip.

He answered, guessing, "a foot or two."

It was tempting to ask, "how many inches are in an about?" and even more tempting to observe that his girlfriend might belive his guesstimation of length but that Wat certainly did not.

So we chose Door Number Three . . . .



I just bitched about the tire shop's idea about torque specs..

I was makin' myself a roast beast sammich with pickles and I had a flash of inspiration. I never tightened the lug nuts after I got the car on the ground. :eek:

Good thing I only drove it around the block to make sure the brakes were not draggin'.

All righty-tighty now.
My S-10 used to work the lugs a-loose on the right front wheel. It would clunk to tell me to tighten their little steel asses back up.

Ever wondered why you nevered tightened things down? Actually, in some cases, one does.

Toilet detail was successful. Nitrile gloves come in handy, too.

Time to bail on this bitch . . . .



Afternoon folks. Yet another hot one but it doesn't feel all that bad. I must be getting acclimated this shit.

Loose nuts? You talking about the trolls? :D
Er, no, that would have been "no nuts."

Home with the cat. He's feasting on canned stuff. I stopped and got some Numbah Wun Fuckee.

I got two Amazon-esque packages and cunt remember what I ordered. So it'll be a surprise.

We're sure that it wasn't a pony . . . .



Going to post an "unboxing" video on U-tube? :)

I ordered some tools today, gunsmithing tools. I didn't get all I planned on getting because on top of everyone being out of guns and ammo, they're sold out on tools too!!!!! A couple of the tools I was going to order are very specific to a certain class of firearm so that tells me what folks out there are working on. I'm thinking antifa/BL/M better stay out of the suburbs and smaller towns.

Cats and food. I feed mine a quarter can of the good stuff every evening. Banker cat eats his immediately while up and at'em cat leaves some for later. Each has their own water bowl as well. Anyway, banker cat always beats up and at'em to the leftovers. Up and at'em will sit and look at the empty dish for a bit then start eating some kibble. I've watched up and at'em take a mouthful of kibble and drop it in banker cats water dish. Who says cats don't carry grudges?
Happy Friday!!!

Nothing exciting in the bags. Vacuum cleaner bags and sports balm.

One more day, maybe with rain. Looks like good chances, but as well as they called it the other day, it could all change. Who the fuck knows?

The coffee is good, the maker having left nothing to chance . . . .



Good morning.

I need to get out into the garden,
I'm sure I have a lot of ripe stuff.

I still need to do something with the last batch of ripe stuff.
In addition, I have fresh corn on the cob from the farmer's market...
I should stop at Farmer Steve's vegibble stand on the way home and score some salad fixins and some squarsh. I like to sautee a big ol' mess o' squarsh and an onion and some spices and it makes some some mighty fine victuals.

Got a bit of josh alight. I have been slack.

For all of the children of Allah in unnecessary pain . . . .

I wasn't as a child. I like z000ks, too.

I can't remember if J is still getting any in or not. Mine always started off great guns and then got the fungus and died in days. It was sad.

I have inside chores for the coming wet Saturday.

Today's goal: dry feet.

I'm hoping it dries out a bit here this weekend.

We've had more than enough rain for a while.

It's a good thing I did a good harvesting before it all started
or I would have a bunch of rotted vegetables myself.
So here's what I'm wondering this morning:

Last week our town clowns... errr... town council, had an emergency meeting to resolve to stop people from running the two stop signs in town. They ordered our town cop to begin aggressive enforcement actions.

So all week he's been standing on the corner of Second and Center streets, at the stop sign, flagging down law breakers.

As I sit here and watch him (he's about 80) I wonder what he was doing before he was ordered to stand on the corner.

It probably ties in nicely with the coffee thread.