TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!


I laughed.

My teacher used to run all the local stop signs when off the reservation.

"They put them up just to prove to the voters they are doing something,
so every intersection now has a stop sign. I'm old.
They won't do anything to me..."

Lunchtime again. Praises to Allah, it's fucking Friday!!!

We got the rain they promised today. It was pretty hard for the best part of an hour. Our bad drainage area is flooded. It's always funny to note that people continue to park there evn though they sometimes have to contend with half a foot of water which won't go down the drain for a few hours. Must love wet feet.

I don't.

We have a stop sign about 8 blocks from the house that the county uses to collect moar revenue. But they haven't been there for awhile. It's not because they collected enough . . . . :rolleyes:



I have always made my own BBQ sauces. I usually cheat and use catsup as the base. Just got a collection of liquid smoke. So far I've tried the Applewood and Pecan. I still have mesquite and Hickory to try.

I use sugar, brown if I have it. Just ordered some molasses.
So here's what I'm wondering this morning:

Last week our town clowns... errr... town council, .......

Our town clowns recently voted to use CARES money to buy up some buildings and convert them to housing for the homeless. Then, the Inspector General put the kibosh on that plan. It seems that the mayor (who is a lawyer) and the muni attorney had to be told to read the damn law.
Our town clowns recently voted to use CARES money to buy up some buildings and convert them to housing for the homeless. Then, the Inspector General put the kibosh on that plan. It seems that the mayor (who is a lawyer) and the muni attorney had to be told to read the damn law.

Who cares about the law anymore, it's all about feeling good about yourself these days.
Was 118 degrees on the freeway but as I said towards the hinterlands, it drops 5 degrees. Pretty consistent what urban heat islands will do to temperature.
Of course, a VA mayor called her Aunt Jemima. This is a woman who is light-skinned, half Jamaican, half Indian, but he still considers her a nigger. This is the same thing these bigots did to Obama and Tiger Woods, all who are mixed race. It's already started with her.

There has been noise in a small, but vocal community of people who call themselves African Descendants of American Slavery (ADOS), and claim that she isn't one of them. They are deluded.

The one drop rule is in full affect in America. If one has a small amount of black ancestry, they are considered black as we can see here. No matter how light one's skin, the bigots see her as a black woman. She is a black woman.

Old Repug American men are the most hateful creatures on Earth.
Happy Saturday!!!

We get moar wet today. It's dripping now after raining hard last evening. I need to juggle the bikes today, and this may be a bit interesting. No matter. Hell, it could wait a week if need be.

I kinda looked at three-quarter tons over the last couple of days. Looks like the Millennial Anti-theft Device is becoming unavailable. WTF???

No comment on our town goofs, but the coffee is good, and laundry is about to start.



Automatics have gotten so robust and reliable that the stick shift is going the way of the dinosaur.
Looks like Wat's remaining six-speeds will be foot shifted. :rolleyes:

Which is a damned shame, because I've always thought that trucks should allow one to choose her/his own gear.

No matter, I'll get another 18+ months out of this truck anyway.

The state, in its inimitable fashion, sent the new registration to me . . . without the sticker for the license plate. :rolleyes:


I liked the old Chrysler products push button shifts. Edsels used them, too, as I recall.

There were those B-model Mack tractors with two sticks. Now, those were fun, once you got the hang of them.

The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves.

~ Pema Chödrön


I liked the old Chrysler products push button shifts. Edsels used them, too, as I recall.

There were those B-model Mack tractors with two sticks. Now, those were fun, once you got the hang of them.

This had shifter buttons on the steering wheel for running through the gears, it was all sorts of strange.

I still blame it for the crash!
The Feds decided that auto-trans shifting was too confusing. Auto makers could keep their push button shifts but could kiss Fed contracts goodbye unless they had selector levers.

It's so wonderful that we have gummint to sieve through our st000pidness and save us from ourselves. They are the paragon of Teh Schmartz.

I turned off the a/c and am changing the air in here. It's different but humid.

Could be worse. Could be raining in . . . .


The Feds decided that auto-trans shifting was too confusing. Auto makers could keep their push button shifts but could kiss Fed contracts goodbye unless they had selector levers.

It's so wonderful that we have gummint to sieve through our st000pidness and save us from ourselves. They are the paragon of Teh Schmartz.

I turned off the a/c and am changing the air in here. It's different but humid.

Could be worse. Could be raining in . . . .

It was a 2007, I had it a whole year before I put it on its side in a canal. Downshifted by accident at half throttle (hit the button with my palm) on a bend, broke the rear tires loose. Poor little car never stood a chance!
The problem with the old push button transmissions is that Chrysler never came up with an effective "Park" mechanism.
Studebaker had one in 1960.

Too bad it could be shifted out of park when parked with the engine off and the keys in the house.

Man, I got in so much trouble for that . . . .



I doubt that any of them had the locking shifter gizmo for a few more years yet.

That car was the only slushbox my parents owned until 20 years later.

Off to get a couple of things done.

This waking up too damned early of a Saturday cuts into accomplishments.



Home from the salt mines. Not a bad night all in all.

Ahh the old Mack duplex transmissions. I used to love watching Dad drive those, he was a master; steer with a knee while he shifted, or hooked an arm through the steering wheel while he shifted. He also had an H-model cab over Mack with a triplex transmission. (3 shifters) and he let me behind the wheel at the tender age of 10. Me steering and on the clutch and throttle, Dad doin the shiftin; headed up to a mine to move a piece of equipment back when you could get by with that sort of thing.
Morning BT. Just back from some light shopping. Light shopping now refers to how much lighter your wallet is when you leave the store.
I also had to run out and do a quick errand. Now the rest of my day is freed up for whatever needs done around the house.