TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Here at Weaselland.

I reckon that I get to listen to the Head Wood-Butcher Weasel piss-n-moan about how we can't frame this-here wall in this-here ADA like what the archie-teck sez we're a'gonna do it.

Personally, I find archie-tecks a lot easier to get along with if you just figure out how to build what they drew and quit pissing in their ears about how it cain't be bilt.

Improvise, adapt, and over-fucking-come, pussy. Jesus hates a pussy!!!

Here at Weaselland.

I reckon that I get to listen to the Head Wood-Butcher Weasel piss-n-moan about how we can't frame this-here wall in this-here ADA like what the archie-teck sez we're a'gonna do it.

Personally, I find archie-tecks a lot easier to get along with if you just figure out how to build what they drew and quit pissing in their ears about how it cain't be bilt.

Improvise, adapt, and over-fucking-come, pussy. Jesus hates a pussy!!!


Maybe no one explained to the architects that 2x4s ain't 2x4 or that sheathing, insulation, and 3-coat plaster takes things the other way?

For a tme misspent when I was but a Ute, I was a helper on a framing crew for a bit. We had one job site where the plumbers put the rough-ins 18in in the wrong direction because they were looking at the plans backwards.

The wet-wall that went mas e menos down the center of the dwelling just took a nice little zig and then a corresponding zag to accommodate the error. I'm sure whoever owns that house now has no idea why those rooms are shaped the way they are.

The guy who decided to make that executive decision didn't consult anybody he just decided well short of tearing up the slab this is the only thing that's going to fix this.

Crazy cousin Eddy bought a brand new house which was the smallest, least expensive home in a brand new subdivision that he eventually terrorized the HOA with his antics. He really only wanted the garage input up with having to have a house attached. To get into the attached house via the garage you went through a lunch room with two doors that both open in word and bumped into each other so the only way to get into the place was open one door get into laundry in close that door and then open the next door.

The problem was not a parent because the Builder in never actually built that house they didn't want anyone to buy it so they didn't show it as a model and head never bothered to actually build one.

They tried to get crazy cousin Eddie to just live with the problem he gave them "the look" ...they tore it all out and rebuilt it.
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Home/satellite. Grazing in. Remembered to buy coffee this afternoon on the way home, thanks be to Allah, because no one wants an uncaffeinated Wat tomorrow morning.

Got the (plumber) broken lens replaced yesterday. Wat has this down to under five minutes. Funny thing is, the drunk must have gone to the liquor store for lunch, because he passed out in the truck. No one was going to wake him up. I guess the helper did when it was time to go home. That could have gotten more entertaining if a cop had ridden through.

Went into a unit which is being presented as "done". It warn't. Wat had to install a new cabinet back - with everything, including plumbing, still in place - and that went very well. It's like printing a jigsaw puzzle and then cutting it into pieces and then reassembling it. And there was a range fan with a burnt up motor already, a range anti-tip which had already failed, shoe molding missing, and various spots to caulk to make it look better.

I think that the adorable inspector may be making an appearance tomorrow . . . .



Pleasant day until now. High winds through the evening hours. Be nice if I were sailing. <shrug>
I'm not sure what the day holds,
but I have a dachshund frantically
jumping up and down even though
she knows she's on ignore...

Lots of Litizens just like that.
Even the frog chorus has abated.


We'll know when it safe to go out when the cicada chorus is taken up.

I need to get my hummer feeders out.
Happy Friday!!! I should have typed in the wrong day for fun-n-games, but it's a welcome end of the work week, a true blessing from Allah.

Sometimes, when I'm shopping in the store, usually a big box store, and I'm looking for something, I don't often ask for help unless I'm helpless. So, when I do find the item I'm looking for by myself, I'll say, "praises to Allah!!!" Out loud. If there's somebody there, they always look at me askance.

My new shottie came in, so I have to go to pick that up tomorrow. I also need to order a couple of drums for it, too. This is gonna be fun.

Just like this coffee is . . . .

You know, I'm never entirely sure any more.

Like I ever was, really.

I think that it's something that the union folks discuss whilst drinking beer at the Irish pub/dump down the skreet.

Over h000rz, of course . . . .

I prefer to have my drinks over a table,

~~ unless ~~

it's one of those with the one short leg,
then it might as well be a painted lady...
I always liked the drink in a brown paper bag.

Like the plumber.

That whole passing out in the truck thing is over the top, however.

Okay, getting ready to torment some weasels . . . .

So, I drew a blank on the Oryx hunt again this year. Networked with some friends who also applied and they too drew a blank. Many applied for other species and those came up blank as well.

This is where it gets interesting. We're all veterans and in this state veterans get a hefty discount on license fees (50%). We're beginning to smell a rat in a state that is facing a substantial budget shortfall.
As long as the wheels are turning I have always had a preternatural ability to stay alert behind the wheel. It helps that I avoid caffeine and sugary drinks to avoid spikes and crashes.

If I have to sit and wait during a lull, however, my body reminds me I have abused it, and starts initiating a nap. Usually I tilt my seat back 20 mins and I am refreshed if I have something to do then. It's hard to maintain the discipline of only 20 mins if I dont really have to be anywhere.

I hit that point about 10 minutes ago and was looking for a convenient place to tilt my chair back when I remembered that I was really only two and a half miles from home. That's not normal and option because I don't generally work my own hood to? I work places that are quite similar where I live but where I live is an island that of opportunity for me but surrounded by AC of old people who really don't need anything in the middle of the night.

During the shut down though suddenly all around me people are staying home ice lading and have tops heater be schedules so it surprisingly busy and I don't really need to go much more than ten miles from home. I mostly except anything so sometimes I can end up an hour away but that's not on purpose lately like it used to be.

Now that I'm home l, snug in bed I can't see myself limiting it the 20 minutes I think I'll sleep until I feel like not sleeping. Of course, now home, I'm not that sleepy.

Why are stolen naps better?
Happy Friday!!! I should have typed in the wrong day for fun-n-games, but it's a welcome end of the work week, a true blessing from Allah.

Sometimes, when I'm shopping in the store, usually a big box store, and I'm looking for something, I don't often ask for help unless I'm helpless. So, when I do find the item I'm looking for by myself, I'll say, "praises to Allah!!!" Out loud. If there's somebody there, they always look at me askance.

My new shottie came in, so I have to go to pick that up tomorrow. I also need to order a couple of drums for it, too. This is gonna be fun.

Just like this coffee is . . . .



Perks up.

That does sound entertaining.