TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I still have some of last year's bear in the freezer. A few rabbits. A dozen squirrels. Lots of pan fish. Mostly left over winter food. Not for summer eatin.
Here at the weasel farm. Not sure if that means the tenants or the subs. I suspect: both.

You lot have been quite the Chatty Cathies while I was marooned Head(ing) East. Woman with a sweet love better'n a white line.

I'm sure we'll get into the Mickey Mouse today, after some fashion. I can hardly wait.

I did bring two books, in case I get a chance to hide. Gotta get my (loafing) merit points if'n I'm expect(orat)ing that raise. Raze, maybe . . . .



I'm procrastinating.

I have to paint and pick and process produce.

It's light enough, but I just don't want to get started yet.
Good morning folks!

I have a critter of some sort beddin down in the barn. There's a depression in the hay about the size of a large dog.
Had a doc appt yesterday, there will prolly be another sometime in the future. The temp, questionnaire thing was interesting when we got to the have you been around anyone who might have covid. <sadonic HA!>
Oh, and I have coffee. )
I'm procrastinating.

I have to paint and pick and process produce.

It's light enough, but I just don't want to get started yet.

I stopped at a produce stand yesterday for a melon or 3. Another customer asked the price for a bushel of green beans...Lawd I bout passed out at the price of $65 a bushel. That's outrageous!
I purchased small batches and they should be more expensive than a quantity purchase
but they are right in line with a reasonable bushel price.
I stopped at a produce stand yesterday for a melon or 3. Another customer asked the price for a bushel of green beans...Lawd I bout passed out at the price of $65 a bushel. That's outrageous!

If you want to see high veggie prices, go the our local farmer's market.
my spare, spare tire came but unfortunately must have clicked on 14 instead of 15 so I had to send it back.

My new shiny read Toyota racing development rear anti-sway bar came. I got the old one off and I'm now driving around with no rear stabilization because I needed my big grinder out of storage because I've got a shave about an eighth of an inch off of the end mounting tubes.

My torque engine mount came as well I'm kind of proud of myself that I tore the torque mount on a Prius.

I was going to wait till after dark would have cools off...but.... 113 degrees or not new car parts is always like Christmas


Old sway bar above.

Old one is solid, new one is larger diameter hollow has a higher spring rate ht and weighs less. Stronger and lighter is always better.


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New motorcycle parts are way better'n car parts, unless they be hot rod parts.

Home/scrotel13. Got the same room I had night before last. Went to the grocery so's I can graze in. No, I avoided the fresh beans like the plague they are.

Jabba s000per was scramblin' to get the odds-n-ends on the ADA units done so's Jabba senior will give him less shit tomorrow when the inspector's report comes out. Truth is, it ain't a'gonna make a lick o' difference. Jabbas wail because they wail. He may get his job threatened, but my raise threat sounds like mine won't be.

Yet. You're eligible, too . . . .



Afternoon folks. Wonderful day today all around. The possible icing on the cake would be some rain but I'm not holding my breath.

A couple of old friends showed up this AM so we got to catch up on things and shoot each others new toys, well new to each other anyway.

And the PJ's are out at the range all week so I snagged a couple of ammo cans filled with brass. They even left a couple of cans filled with 40mm grenade casings but I don't know anyone that reloads 40mm.

And the irrigation water DID run today. The grass has thanked me by growing so I can mow it.

And some food for thought. If humans were like most of the rest of the mammal family your doctor could tell exactly what's wrong with you by sniffing your ass. Hold on to that thought the next time you visit your doctor. :D
Had to grind 3/8 of an inch off each end and hammer 'er into place. I then took it down to an empty senior center parking lot and skid-pad tested it. Extremely big difference.

Now to source a front one.
Dogs can detect cancer and now Covid.

Only motorcycle part I ever bought was a straight, drag-style bar to get rid of the bunny bars on my little Honda MB5 a pre-bionic lifetime ago..
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Oh, and they left another little present out by the berm, 80 rds of 5.56 AP. I'll just set that aside for when an occasion might arise. :)
Dropped $170 on a 20V impact wrench because I've always thought it would be handy, and I've hot a bolt on that mount that does not want to budge. It still does not want to budge. I may buy a new one and grind the old one off. If I can get over to the mechanic, he ptobanle has the carrier bracket used for the mount, and I could just toss the mount and the bracket I cabt get it off of. Not critical, but I was looking forward to it not lurching when it idles on and off.


I just realized that if I went for Biden-plugs, I'd be ^that dude.
F U C K ! !

Spark plugs are probably okay thought I'd decided to change 'em since I've been burning all kinds of things in the combustion chamber the it wasn't designed for.

I figured it is be a little cooler at night (it isn't) and I've already through trial and multiple errors learned how not to drop stuff where and what order did take things apart in so I figured I could do it mas y menus in the dark.

Nummah one plug comes out easy, I put anti-sieze on last time. New one goes in coil pack goes on. Number two coil pack off number two spark plug out number two spark plug goes right in all nice and smooth. Coil pack is not seating.. I fumble around and then it dawns on me.

The rubber grommet inside the sparkplug socket that you really have to have for those deep-well plugs has come put of the socket and is down on the plug. Way down there.

Can't seem to get the socket seated on the plug properly to unscrew it and try to bring up the whole mess. Tried to forge a hook on a lanes of code hanger to try to Russell it up and out didn't have any luck with that don't have needle nose pliers there going to reach down there and if I did have them I don't think I could get the angle to get down in there because of we're the firewall is.

I'm considering ill advised options like hot glue in the socket and jam it down there to cool. Maybe a deep, non sparkplug socket could get the plug out over the mess. Maybe not. Jury rig a jumper to the plug so I can drive it to the mechanic. Maybe break up the rubber with a knife and vacuum it out. Long wood screew into the rubber. Cant see anything to see if anything is working.

Need better advise.

Lots of the above ideas means a walk to Harbor Freight or mucccchh farther to Lowes since I have the Honda boxed in.
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