TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

It could be purely random,

but, in life, other than Progressive thought,
I find that to be a rarity...
There are three here. Like I said, more research is required. I don't believe in coincidence.
Not when it is as serious as getting your killz on!


I have to employ some Killz later today when it warms up and dries out.
Afternoon tea o'clock.

Still windy out there. I'm thinking of buying one of those acrobatic kites. :)
Home. Gonna graze in - innaminnit.

Drums. Got a Saiga knock-off 12 gauge. So, drums.

Got a no-hot-water call at 1706. Really? You didn't know like - earlier? Not sure what the matter is. Pudding said he'd dick with it tomorrow. Best wishes for the tenants . . . .

The drunk wasn't there. Wonder how long he'll be unemployed this time.

Good morning.

Up early because the neighbors dog got loose and they were running up and down the street calling the damn thing. I think I'll buy them a dog whistle while I'm out shopping later. (there's got to be a meme for that somewhere.)
Happy Saturday!!!

Slept okay. The cats seemed to also. Hadn't intended to be awake this early, but shit happens.

Looks like rain tonight and tomorrow morning. Piffle. It needs to rain on my weasels and leave glorious weekends for Wat.

So Wat makes do with glorious coffee . . . .



We're scheduled to be in the 80's this coming week. I really need to get off my ass and get that damn A/C serviced. I have everything I need to get it done, just need to do it.

Shopping day here as well. Don't need much, actually except for salad I don't need anything at all. But I'll get to see if the TP shelves are still empty. I find it baffling that people are still over-buying TP when this Wuhan Flu is typified by DRY cough and no runny nose. Reminds me of Linus and his security blanket.
Beautiful day yesterday. Gorgeous!
Rain last night; no rain right now. Local weather still in bed.

I put up the hummer feeders yesterday morning,
and by the afternoon, I had a customer at the big picture window station.
That kind of reads like the Eiger Sanction.
I'm reading the Lincoln Biography by Carl Sandburg,
It's a bit too folksy story than history for my taste, but, what the hell...


... it was a free gifted book.

It would be too hard for our current crop of Listers;
long sentences full of semicolons and trigger words.
Understanding does not come in sound bytes.
By the way, it was given to me by an author who yesterday cracked the
top 100 somewhere with her new book. It's probably religious and
was probably purchased by almost 50 people.
Outside of Christians, who reads?
I do know of one devout practitioner of Islam who reads.

Ordered what was discovered (online) to be the defining book on HfD engine theory. Of course, the fucking thing is out of print and costs a small fortune, and it's back-dated two engine designs. But what the fuck.

There are some basics in there which hold true thanks to the goofy way they make their engine. It really id a pity that the v-rod didn't catch on.

But then, there's that heartbeat rhythm . . . .


Many of us are.

Some of us are damned good at it.

And most of our victims have it coming . . . .


Just remember, that when you go to intimidate me...


My 4WD F150 is gonna roll right over you.

Just another bump in the road.