TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Horse shit.

We respond to everyone - just no in manners many comprehend. At least we don't gouge out their eyes, but we would if we could.

I submit that a border is some kind of trouble-door.

The cat outsmarted his new harness in 10 minutes flat . . . . :mad:

Afternoon settle down time.

The A/C is all but done. Have to do some filter switching up in the attic and that'll be it.
Saturday Weekly report

Food stores 98%

Cat and dog food is at 70%

TP 12 rolls

Ammo: Par values at 100% in all calibers
I'm overstocked with food. :rolleyes:

TP at 12 rolls as well. 3 months at least.

Cat food 2 weeks.

Ammo? Never enough. Time to crank up the press again. Although I do need a couple of pounds of RL-26 for the WinMag. I should be able to pick that up this coming Thur. All of the gun stores have told the governor to pack sand, "We're opening for business."
To be honest, we're over the par values by a bit, or a lot, or a whole bunch, depends on perspective :)
Ditto, it's not like we NEED anything from the store.

I saw May, June, July, Aug and Sept's Freezer filler in the field just this week :)

The whole "need" thing is getting to me. I really have to get myself under control because at this point in time I'm thinking I'm buying shit because it won't be around tomorrow. Crazy how this can play with your mind.

Re. freezer fodder. Just got off the phone with my long time (45 yrs?) hunting buddy. I drew a blank on Oyrx this year (again) so we're talking about heading up to Montana for some Elk.
Eh, it's gonna be what it's gonna be, we just have to stay centered. There be plans B,C,D...J, K,L, etc. I haven't really changed how things are accomplished here. The sycamore, oak and maple will be leafin out real nice in another week or two and then there will be no wonderin about a TP shortage.
Eh, it's gonna be what it's gonna be, we just have to stay centered. There be plans B,C,D...J, K,L, etc. I haven't really changed how things are accomplished here. The sycamore, oak and maple will be leafin out real nice in another week or two and then there will be no wonderin about a TP shortage.

Beats the hell out of pine cones. :D
The whole "need" thing is getting to me. I really have to get myself under control because at this point in time I'm thinking I'm buying shit because it won't be around tomorrow. Crazy how this can play with your mind.

Re. freezer fodder. Just got off the phone with my long time (45 yrs?) hunting buddy. I drew a blank on Oyrx this year (again) so we're talking about heading up to Montana for some Elk.

Some people buy just because they have to get out of the house.
Some people buy just because they have to get out of the house.

There is that but I'm still on my regular schedule. I'm just buying some shit that I really don't need. Oh, I can use it alright, but I just don't need it.
I'll give you an example. In the past two weeks I purchased three packages of spaghetti. Now, I don't eat spaghetti a lot. As a matter of fact I still have a partial package left that I bought two years ago. Weird.
I was about out of hand sanitizer. Couldn't find any at the store, but it was just the one store and I was too trifflin to run all over town to hunt some down. So, I took some aloe I had here and some alcohol and made some.
I was about out of hand sanitizer. Couldn't find any at the store, but it was just the one store and I was too trifflin to run all over town to hunt some down. So, I took some aloe I had here and some alcohol and made some.

The Aloe is optional. :D
You'd sure know how often you touched your nose or scratched your behind if you had glitter on your hands.