TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I was about out of hand sanitizer. Couldn't find any at the store, but it was just the one store and I was too trifflin to run all over town to hunt some down. So, I took some aloe I had here and some alcohol and made some.

I found a hand sanitizer stash not but two days ago as I was inventorying some
of our prepper medical supplies. I should probably give some of it away,
but that means going out into all of the madness...

You don't want to come down to Misery to hunt the mighty Wapiti?
Too hot?

Me? I like to keep track of the idiots in jeeps that they take out.
That just makes my day!
Good morning!!!

That's right, you folks reintroduced the species. Guess that's not working out too well for the Jeep drivers. :D
I suppose I should check the hummingbird feeder here and freshen it up a bit.
I look forward to their arrival here. I put my feeder out a little bit early, for...wait for it...

the early birds
I've seen a thrush and an indigo bunting.
The Redwing Blackbirds and Cow Birds cannot be far behind.
The finches should be showing up too. Great time of year to be watching.
My swing seat is wet from rain.

It's just not the same sitting on a sheet of plastic,
but I do have this huge picture window, it's like rock candy;
for lookin' through...
Have pictures of the 2021 bronco been released yet?

Also, have y’all seen the hp and gas mileage on the new eco boost mustangs? I don’t really want the flashy sports car aesthetic, but I want that engine!
Them-thar Ford people are over thar >>>>>>

Went for a good long ride. Got to see some shit, like Wat dodging (no joke!!!) some plastic shit falling off the car ahead of him, a vulture sitting on some folks chimney, some blossoms in the road that looked ike gravel for a hot half-second, and all sorts of winding and hilly country two-lane. Good bike break-in roads.

I took the cat with me out to visit last night. With the other critters what live there. He got into two scraps. Little as he is, he's 2-0. Whupped the dog and the fat girl cat. No blood, but neither came back for seconds. He's a tough little varmint.

Wonderin' what's for supper . . . .



No supper ideas here.

Big stupid ate squirrel.
I shot one of the stupid little fawks.
Funny thing is I soon after heard a funny bark,
it was big stupid, squirrel in mouth wanting in the house.

We know that did not happen.

Afternoon tea time.

Finished up the A/C so I'll have cool when I need it. Right now it's nice to have the house opened up. Imagine two weeks ago it was friggin' sneauxing.

Porterhouse for dinner along with a salad and potato salad. I got tired of baked potato's.
I directed her to teh Ford Fawkers, which is a good as it gets.

My '03 Motor Company thingie ain't no Ford, and ewe no it.

I gotsta go and check grub.

I know there's ice cream for later . . . .

I have no secha thing.

We're keeping grub simple tonight.

Sunday mornings, Wat gets put on omelet detail.

But we're still experimenting to achieve perfection . . . .

Tomorrow morning is hash browns and onions with
farm fresh eggs and a healthy side of bacon.

Hummingbirds are delightful creatures.

They visit and squabble over Mom's 7th floor feeder.

Today is the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.

Which is why kids shouldn't play with matches . . . .
