TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

If Toyota put a RAV4 engine in their C-HR, I’d buy it today. I saw a RAV4 a few months ago, smurf blue body with a white roof, it looked like papa smurf. :D

Y’all have to admit, the 310hp, 31mpg, eco boost mustang is sweet. I could go get the shit out of some groceries!

I’m gonna keep my 8 year old Ford for now tho.

Also, I have 6 bluebird eggs. The most I’ve ever had!
My HfD is newer, and definitely less mileage.

It's turned a grand today.

I bet that Conager's Prius gets better fuel mileage.

But, I didn't get it for economy, so . . . .

Hi, Babeh Slivv!!! :heart: Sorry we got cheated outta our get-together next month, because that would have been fun seeing the lot o' youse.

Well, Wat is building some cantankerousness into this machine, so yeah, it'll need tweaking with some regularity.

But it won't be like shoving a S&S 143 into an old twin-cam Dyna.

One thig that does work a lot better on this bike is the transmission. It just feels better, like it shifts more positively.


Happy Monday!!!

How could i have forgot in yesterday's observations? Prolly because I was burning high-test. One dollar and 5.9 cents per gallon gasoline up in the sticks!!! I'll be durned . . . .

Looks like a few drops of rain this morning. We get three more vacant units for the ADA conversions. I s'pose this way we can maintain the pretense of working in vacants while still trying to tidy up the occupied. I dunno. Big Boss Man will be along tomorrow or the next day.

Coffee is along now . . . .



Good morning.
I think it's supposed to be nice today,
but I haven't seen the local news yet.

Things change. You cannot always go by the five-day guess.
Good morning.

$1.06???? Damn, that's down there. We're still stuck at $1.18.9.\

It's going to be a warm one today, get to test drive the A/C. Good timing, right? :)
I have no idea what gas costs.
I suppose that I should go top off and add some fixer to the tank.
Might be a good time to add all the additives I can think of, after all, I'm chasing down an HfD...
Some beaches are arresting surfers while loungers look on.
Others are arresting loungers while surfers look on.
It was the craziest of times;
It was the craziest of times.
My neighbor the attorney has his first "lock down" case. The shop owner in question owns a hot tub/spa biz and he went into the shop to do the maintenance on the floor demo units. He didn't lock the door and while he was doing the maintenance some woman walked and the police were right behind her and issued a citation.

The owner claims he didn't even have time to tell the woman they were closed.

One of two things going on here. Either the guy is lying through his teeth and has been operating low key all along, or the cops set him up. More on this one as the story unfolds.
Sitting in a bank parking lot for sale by the original owner: 1956 Chrysler 300 . Hemi with dual four barrels. 32,000 original miles. Stored since 1968.

No price, says, "priced reasonably"

I'll take it! How much could it be?
We have lots of family farms that sell direct.

And because Biden will be jealous, last night I had fried bacon, cabbage and ramp greens.

I pickled the ramp bottoms.
The local news is featuring small-scale farmers who rely on farmer's markets
and restaurants. I'm sure there are some opportunities here in the near future...

Sitting in a bank parking lot for sale by the original owner: 1956 Chrysler 300 . Hemi with dual four barrels. 32,000 original miles. Stored since 1968.

No price, says, "priced reasonably"

I'll take it! How much could it be?

$60 to $90K brought up to "as new" spec.