TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Like homeowners wandering the tool aisles at the box stores.

Or the crack addict's delivery guy.




Now, WTF do I want with 2200 ponies????
Morning folks.

A roll around would be nice..............if I had anywhere to roll if. <shrug>
2200 ponies attract pussy...
It just "grabs" them.

Just like box tool stores attract homeowners.
Ever since they got that network devoted to "flipping" shows,
I see a lot more women dressed like contractors at the big blue box store.

And speaking of the times and the changes, the strange changes,
I was with someone binge-watching a favorite drama series
(I wasn't watching as much as I was reading)
and about three episodes in, I finally had to ask the $64K question:
Is every couple in this show in a mixed-race relationship?
After considerable thought, I got the answer,
"The lesbian couple is white."
I do too!

The big, nice, high-end one holds my nice, high-dollar tools.
The other one holds the tools and supplies I actually use.


I have one for plumbing, one for electrical, one for sockets, and one for wrenches. Two for gunsmithing stuff.
I have traditional carry-type toolboxes dedicated to things like that.
I have way too many tools including a graveyard of tools with cords.
The gunsmithing stuff is upstairs in the Sitting/Computer Room/Office. There are also a few household tools there, to save trips.

The Junque Room has the main collection/accumulation. Many are put away. Some sit out on the top. There are a couple of socket sets in their fancy plastic boxes.The drawers have mechanic tools, and there is an old metal toolbox on top. The shelves across the room have all the carpentry stuff. There's also an old Crapsman work bench along the side wall with a bunch of things like punches and screw drivers on it because it has Neat Little Holes to store that kind of shit in.

And there's the load on the truck.

My kid still went to college . . . .


I have noticed that tools loaned out often don't come back, so I have one of those pretty red units filled with tools I have no affection for and don't mind losing. I scored some old wood kitchen cabinets about a year ago and mounted them back to back on a wheeled base and put padlocks on everything, that's where what I care about is stored.
That reminds me, time to install that last shelf in my storage area. The way it currently shakes out is about 25% of the space is taken up by the various tool boxes (except the gunsmithing stuff, that's by the reloading bench), 25% is the power tools, 25% is my distilling equipment, and the rest is chemicals (paint, etc.) and odd nuts, bolts, and screws. The new shelf is the high shelf and I'm going to put my least used shit up there.
I just say no to loans.

That's an early lesson learned in the Marines.
If you can afford to give it, give it, that way there is no expectation attached
and if it comes back, it comes back as an unexpected gift/surprise. If it cannot be
afforded as a gift, just say no. People respect it more if you look them in the eye and
say no than if you say yes out of misguided intention, which everyone involved can come to regret.
I just say no to loans.

That's an early lesson learned in the Marines.
If you can afford to give it, give it, that way there is no expectation attached
and if it comes back, it comes back as an unexpected gift/surprise. If it cannot be
afforded as a gift, just say no. People respect it more if you look them in the eye and
say no than if you say yes out of misguided intention, which everyone involved can come to regret.

Some loans you don't know about until they are returned.
:) Strictly tangible, the guys tend to help their friends without always thinking.
My youngest was bad about "loaning" my tools out to his friends. Took a couple of long talks to straighten that out.
Isn't that the problem we face as a society?
As easy as it is to loan someone else's tools,
it is similarly easy to spend other people's money...

Hmmmm, just read where the democrats are accusing the republicans of favoring companies over workers on this small biz loan thing. Apparently they still haven't figured out that no companies, no workers.
Lincoln said something to the effect that if you redistributed all of the money,
within a short period of time nobody would have anything.

Other than protectionist tariffs, he was quite the libertarian.
Reminds me of he who cannot be named without drawing ire and hate...

;) ;)
I wonder which is least likely to come back when "lent," books or tools. I say it's a coin-flip. Neither comes back.

Wat's Weasels are dragging in. We still have a threat of the Big Boss Man today. I'll believe it when it happens at this rate.

The weather is great today. Too bad the bike is at home.

Where the cat lives . . . .

He can't reach the controls.

Nor does he know where The Fob is.

It won't run without The Fob.

Besides, he doesn't have any pockets . . . .

