TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

You need a liger...


That would solve all of your problems, 'cept they might get a tad cranky from time-to-time.
Okay Tool Guys :D

I'm watching a Forged in Fire marathon and just heard a great line:

Why buy it for $30 when you can make if for $600?


I think that describes more than one of us.
That's a good one. :)

A friend of mine has a '40 Ford sedan. No rust issues and all the original chrome, etc. along with it. No motor but that's the smallest of things to take care of.

Anyway, as it sits it's worth $4 - $6 grand as someones "project" car. So he was talking about tricking it out etc. I said, "Look, right now you've got $1,200 in it and can get up to $6,000 out of it. Or you can throw $20 grand at it and get $18 grand out of it. Your choice."

He said, "I've seen Chip Foose get $60 grand for a car like that tricked out."

I replied, "Yup, but your name ain't Chip Foose."
Yeah, that is a common theme on Counting Cars;
guys who put too much in a car and then have to take a loss in order to begin their next project.

Same guy on a different day with a different car in basically the same condition, this one being a '39 Buick. He started talking about tricking that one out too. I just told him, "Look, people buy these old cars in rough condition to build their dream. Once you work on it you're building your dream. Everyone has dreams but not too many have the same dream you do."
You see that too when they buy and sell bikes.
One guy's vision, paint and mechanical rarely, if ever,
are a dream realized by a potential buyer; once you modify the bike,
then all you can do is lose money and force the new owner to spend more...
Watched another episode of biker build-off last night. I hated both bikes, but this episode is about old school choppers.

I can see doing a Knucklehead-style machine for shits-n-giggles, but it'd be the cost of a new bike for parts and then hundreds of hours of grueling labor. Way cool when done, and that would have to be the reward.

Finally solved the connectivity issue here, no thanks to Millennial Boy. Can actually print shit again. My notices have improved dramatically.

Off to put this shit out and then look for an escape route.

Afternoon tea time again.

Scope shopping..........again. There's got to be some desperate retailers out there somewhere.

Also need to call the ditch rider to find out what the hell is going on with my irrigation water, I haven't gotten any. :mad:
Home to a very noisy cat. He's fed, and now he's all up in my grille ticking like a tiny bomb.

The Prez came through today, and we had a nice visit. We got to talking politix, so I asked him if he liked the concept of the conspiracy that this virus shit is all one big plot to derail the Trump Economic Miracle. He said, that's exactly what it is, and that he's leaning on everyone to let us go back to work full time on our 13 jobs because of . . .

zero confirmed cases.

It's been six weeks. Fuck this shit already.



My day off consisted of taking the little cat to the vet. She'd tangled with something and needed antibiotics. After a barrage of shots, she should be right as rain in a few days.
Damn little cats and the scraps they get into.

THis one won his. Now he's all lovey-dovey and rubbing his face in mine. He even grabbed the Van Dyke. No bitch gets to do that, but he can.

He's a silly fucker. He doesn't know it yet, but he gets rematches this weekend. He also gets to stay with J when I book south.

Off to hit the rack . . . .

Happy Thursday!!!

Today is an interesting anniversary. Allah didn't let me die, but he could have. So I lit some josh in memory of those who wander confused and who hurt needlessly.

We got some wind as the system blows in. The window guys probably get the day off.

I got coffee!!!




What's so pathetic is, the cat is so right.

I still want my country back, Allah damn it!!!

Good morning.

What mischief is there to get into today? I'm sure something will come up as the morning unfolds.
Good morning!
Kitteh is no longer angry with me over the vet visit.

We're supposed to get a lot of rain all day. Maybe some flooding.
Allah's little gifts get over trauma surprisingly quickly.
Of course, big stupid now runs and hides when she sees a leash;
she's smart enough to know that no good will come of it... :D
Since I am responsible for food, I suppose she's forgiven me for the indignity of the cat carrier.

Until she decides not to forgive me. So much cattitude with that one.