TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I just say no to loans.

That's an early lesson learned in the Marines.
If you can afford to give it, give it, that way there is no expectation attached
and if it comes back, it comes back as an unexpected gift/surprise. If it cannot be
afforded as a gift, just say no. People respect it more if you look them in the eye and
say no than if you say yes out of misguided intention, which everyone involved can come to regret.

100%. Doubly so if it's a close friend. Triple that for family.
Good morning!
Kitteh is no longer angry with me over the vet visit.

We're supposed to get a lot of rain all day. Maybe some flooding.

Since I dont want to be the epicenter of feral cat diseases, I'm considering taking "my" tom to the vet. Eating actual cat food (Iams) rather than whatever he's been gorgimg himself on (probably leftover beans and rice from mexican takeout) has him slimmed down and has improved his social life. He has a girlfriend now.

I've seen a small long-haired black cat hanging around. She is very skittish.

She was perched on the wall 6ft away from him when I fed him last night. He ate a portion and then sauntered off, leaving her the rest. I'm trying not to over feed him so I'm leaving what I thought was a one cat portion for him. Apparently, I'm feeding two. I still thinks he owns some other human, but he is here all the time and angling for affection. I am indifferent. He is trying to become an indoor cat. I let him explore, then kick him out. He has this, "What, it's only for a couple of nights?!!" Look. I dont buy it.

He's hard to take a picture of. Mostly I ignore him, and he respects that. Fortunately, I seem not to be allergic to mesquite pollen which rolls in and tries to track into the house


If I display an interest in him, he rolls over expecting to play, which is not a behavior I have cultivated. He seems to think this is his ticket to being an indoor cat, since it worked with the Mariachis.


This is feral girlfriend.


Getting her to a vet would require a trap.

I don't need kittens.


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She has great headlights.

This thread is already all about the headlights as it is, so she's a wonderful addition.

The system is headed this way to kill us all. Gonna get wet in a few.

Jabba had a fit this morning. What else is new? Fuck 'em . . . .

Death is here, but it seems to have tamed down a bit.

Ordered a new 9mm. It'll be along sometime next week.


Spent a few hours downstairs organizing and cleaning.
I'm running vinegar through the coffee pots.
Smells like hell, not the good one.

Good luck with the vinegar and tank type coffee makers. It cleans them up alright, but it takes FOREVER to flush the vinegar out.

Got everything together and started whittling away at the new receiver. Ran into a little hitch in the giddy-up though. I had anticipated but had also hoped I wouldn't have to deal with it. I'm using a carbide end mill. They cut fast, clean, and last a long time, BUT they try to turn into drills and will eat their way through your work piece if you don't watch out. So, a little de-greasing, a little Loc-tite blue, and a lot of cranking on the wrenches to clamp down the collet, 24 hour cure and I should be good to go tomorrow.

Oh, and cheap drill bits don't last long. Damn good thing they're cheap.

And it's tea time. Came early today.
I have time.

Took the .22 out and fired off a round.
Now big (blind) stupid is outside randomly barking at things she cannot see...
No, I just took a look out and she was barking at two very large, very long-necked and
big beaked birds that honked like Canadian Geese, but were all brown.
I don't see anything similar in Audubon, but I just took a quick peek.

I looked around and still found no Cana-da-tes...
I thought maybe a female, but there is no difference,
I'm not sure what the goslings look like, but I don't think they're bigger than the adults.
The gooselets are kinda cute. They're about the color of leafy underbrush, as I recall. It was purt-near two years ago when I wuz nearly slewn by a nesting pair of parents because I was too close to thier little shits. Good thing I was crippled and heavily arms with a pair of crutches.

Home/satellite. Grazing in. Toes are damp. It rained its proverbial ass off this afternoon.

Now we have . . . flood warnings. Must be high tide.

Quiet evening on the home front . . . .


I was thinking along those lines, but it's beak was like a goose and it turned and honked
at the one that disappeared into the forest...
They looked similar to a Canada Goose, just with the color and longer neck.
I'm stumped...

I was thinking along those lines, but it's beak was like a goose and it turned and honked
at the one that disappeared into the forest...
They looked similar to a Canada Goose, just with the color and longer neck.
I'm stumped...


Entirely possible.
We do have mallards-domestic duck crosses,
but that is pretty common-place since they are all but genetically identical.
I could see that.
I probably should have taken a picture.

Man, that was some good sausage. I'll probably pay the price for the kraut later...