TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Home with cat.

The Chinee reopened, so there's a big serving of Numbah Wun Fuckee here getting scarfed.

And a little cats sittig here watching me eat it without trying to get some for himself.

Quiet night, since tomorrow is a school day.

Busy day altogether.

Finished the machining on the receiver so there's that. A little sapphire grit blasting to put a finish on it, then coat it and it'll be ready for assembly.

Picked up some more plants this AM and got them in the dirt.

The cats be fed so they're out of my hair for the evening. They get their canned food in the evening so they have to sleep it off.
This one has his can, and he's quite the little lap-warmer.

Funny little shit he is.

Watching a bit of telly, and wondering if ice cream is a good idea.

Like that's a tough call . . . .

Mine aren't lap warmers, they're feet warmers. Really handy in the winter but not so much so in the summer.

Talked to a friend and we plan on doing a lot of fishing over the next month or so. I suppose we're going to find out if the "distancing police" have boats. I have a hankering for freshly caught Trout. Might be some Salmon in that mix as well.
"No one that I'm aware of ever was been made aware of any complaint a formal complaint made by or a complaint by Tara Reade against me at the time this allegedly happened 27 years ago or until they I announced for presi--well I guess it was in April or May of this year."
When Joe Biden speaks, truth rings out er, um … hollowly?
"No one that I'm aware of ever was been made aware of any complaint a formal complaint made by or a complaint by Tara Reade against me at the time this allegedly happened 27 years ago or until they I announced for presi--well I guess it was in April or May of this year."
When Joe Biden speaks, truth rings out er, um … hollowly?

A case of the democrats being hoisted on their own petard. I'm betting they wished they never started that BS.
Happy Saturday!!!

Given a choice between Trump and Biden (theirs, with an E - not ours with an I), I'd rather have a scotch and soda. There's more to it, it lasts longer and means more, it's more truthy . . . and I don't even drink/like scotch.

They keep reminding me that I haven't completed my census return. So I keep putting it off.

I like coffee, and I never put off coffee . . . .



Happy early Saturday.

More basement work today. I have tons of stuff to haul out of it,
but the question becomes, to where?
To the dump, to the dump, to the dump dump dump!!! We used to have a salvage store by that name here, and that was thier radio ad as to where you should shop, et cetera. I know . . . .

I'm up too damned early. Got a couple of notices to put out. Also got my extra two days vacation. Jabba makes everything a pain in the ass.

He is the poster boy of a hostile management style which causes indifference and sullen attitudes in subordinates. It can lead to what-the-fuckism.

Wat should write another book . . . . :rolleyes:


Ravine = Private Dump.

There's a "landfill" not too many miles from here. It's becoming a mountain range on this side of town, visible from the other side. Well, from Mom's condo balcony.

As long as I can't see the seagulls (shithawks) and vultures circling, what do I care? It's like living near the airport. If you can't hear the planes, you're unaffected, really.

Upwind is also a nice feature.

Most of this stuff has been set aside as "essential."

It looks like a typical government endeavor.

Talk about your hostile management techniques.

It's like getting stopped by a rookie cop for a burnt-out tail light.

Then there's the cop sitting in the school parking lot early on Sunday morning and he sees some older guy ride past on his Sportster, so he slips it in gear and falls in behind. Talk about profiling . . . .

Getting ready to saddle up here . . . .



Home with cat.

The Chinee reopened, so there's a big serving of Numbah Wun Fuckee here getting scarfed.

And a little cats sittig here watching me eat it without trying to get some for himself.

Quiet night, since tomorrow is a school day.
Obviously, the cat is xenophobic and avoiding Chinese food.
That's not a factor out here. :)

I'm kinda at loose ends for the next couple of days. Basically caught up on everything and can't get the abrasive work done on the receiver until Mon.
I have plenty to do, but I lack the motivation; probably later...

Who knows? I might just string up a hammock and enjoy the day.
I still have lots of unread books.
I can do that too I suppose. I do have one little chore to deal with but that's only going to take all of an hour.
Yeah, there's nothing happening here.
Makes me wonder just how many people are actually "following guidelines..."

Goose-stepping to the Guidelines??? Allah forbid!!!

Here at the job. We have three painters and one on the way. Unless Allah calls him home. But it wouldn't be home, it'd be Islamic Hell for him, assuming that Allah agrees with Wat.

You know, where the fires burn hotter, the tortures hurt more, and where Eternity lasts longer. Infinity is probably bigger there, too.

I'm sure that there's some mischief to get into . . . .



TV show promo reminds me of a trend -
women badasses who kick men's asses.
I trained both for years and have yet
to find that woman, even when she's a badass...