TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Yeah, I ain't met her, either.

I did get threatened by a big-talking little woman a few years ago. It was one of those conditional things, "if you do X, I'm gonna . . . "

"Do nothing, like you always do," I replied.

You know that look when you struck a nerve with the truth? Yeah, that one . . . .


Somewhere bloody.

Noses are great.

Jack Reacher had a handle on it, so to speak.

Yeah, I ain't met her, either.

I did get threatened by a big-talking little woman a few years ago. It was one of those conditional things, "if you do X, I'm gonna . . . "

"Do nothing, like you always do," I replied.

You know that look when you struck a nerve with the truth? Yeah, that one . . . .


In this case, perhaps the more appropriate response to "If you do X, I'm gonna ..." would be, "Brush your hair."
update 05/02/20

food stores: 91 %
Critter feed: 60%
TP: 9 rolls

Ammo above 100% of par values

all systems are running smoothly as of this posting
Running about the same here but I have 14 rolls of TP. I thought I'd be breaking into the 12 pack I bought a month ago but not yet.
I may have 14 cases of TP.
As many of paper towels.
I even have dozens of packages of occasion-specific napkins
including a couple of packs for kids' birthdays...

Overnight thunderstorms never materialized.
I did less than I should have yesterday; watched some good movies.
Today! Today! I have it in my mind to get some things done.
Maybe. It's kind of warm - kept the house open all night.
I had to buy a new file yesterday, no big deal there. But whoever thought that packaging a file by surrounding it with shrink wrap should be drawn and quartered.
Whatever distracts you from the security strip.

Who steals a file? Someone who wants to bake a prison cake? :D
The security strip doesn't bother me all that much beyond the fact that they have to have this fancy molded plastic contraption of hold the file and the security strip. So you end up with a $1.98 file surrounded by $2.00 worth of packaging for loss prevention. :rolleyes:
I have some running around to do this AM . Light shopping even. Sunday AM's tend to be light traffic days around here even without the Wuhan Flu.
My morning was spent digging through some closets, winter stuff goes to the dry cleaners and excess into the donation box. This afternoon will be convincing the dogs that love to swim that their weekly bath is not the hell you guys were discussing earlier. More coffee may be needed today.
Yet another busy day. More yard work was knocked out and I did some deburring of the receiver.
So have our Canadian friends on the GB pooped adobe over the Trudeau rifle/shotgun order or are they continuing to meekly surrender their freedom? I didn't see anything on the front page and I'm not really aware of the home countries of anybody here, but if there was any mention it must have passed by quickly.
These Canadians are a docile lot.
The only time they show any spark is when they attempt to take credit
for winning the war of 1812...


My roof sprung a leak last night. I suppose I have to hire a man to climb up on the roof and see what's going on.
We're having a drive-by rally with tooting of horns and fire trucks in front of our local heros at the hospital this evening. They haven't handled a single case of the virus, but garsh durn it, they's heeeros!