TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I trust all of you have had your Easter egg hunts?

SC, it doesn't surprise me you're only good on Friday :)
It was the smell of ozone building up.

I did not want a lightening strike.
I am leery of the OT Gawd...
Bidin with an "i" is not campaigning, not even for dog catcher.

I can't speak for the other one. :)
However, we're always worried about ozone depletion,
so maybe I need to incur more of the wrath of Gawd...
Happy Sunday, and Allah axed me to wish all y'all a Happy Yeaster, too. He is done rizzup indeedie.

There is a lonely cat who is now quite the lapcat. He's a good boy. I may have to get him a cat to keep him company.

The bike is at the shop. I don't have a lot of faith that they'll get everything sorted out right the first time, but they can keep it until they do the last time. But maybe Allah can supervise this while I'm out doing his will.

The s'ghetti was damn good. Fed five and we still have shitloads left. Gonna have lasagna come Wednesday.

I am making up some spaghetti today.
Probably in an hour or so.
It takes a while to get the sauce to taste...
I will be making some man-glitter (i.e sawdust) in the shop today. After bacon and pancakes, of course.
I'd rather sweep the shop than clean the stovetop after someone else has cooked on it.

And, in the kitchen, I clean as I cook.

The fucking tiny hail has started to fall again. It bounces on the deck.
Got in a nap and some visiting time with Remaining Kitteh.

Got a bit of writing done.

It's warm and pleasant today, so we opened a couple of windows.

It'd be a good day for a ride, but Zelda is at the shop, so . . . .


I could stand a steak.


But not tonight.

Off I go. Tomorrow is a skool day.

My sis called this afternoon and said "I know you worked last night, don't cook, I'm bringing dinner over and leaving it on the porch"

It was a good plan.