TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Dogs live for people food.

Cats are better at it sometimes.

I was maybe 13 or so and was cooking bacon one morning. I went down the hall to do something (probably to pee) and came back in time to catch the cat stealing the second bacon strip from the frying pan. That was kinda funny - really funny in hindsight.

That's one of those things that you're glad the 'rents didn't find out about. Lecture avoided.

I recounted this before, but when I lived at the lake,
I once saw a cat running off with a grilled steak in its mouth.

You just cannot trust them.
They don't talk about "dog" burglars, now do they?

Dogs you hear coming. They can't help it.

Cats, on the other hand . . . .

Watching Nighthawks in installments. Stallone and Billie Deeee Weeeyums. They just conducted a two-man bust of a dope house. With pump guns. Wrapping it up, Sly pumps his. No shell pops out. WTF????

Rutger Hauer is one of the best psycho killers ever.

They never catch this shit in editing.

Like the belt of ammo in Saving Private Ryan without primers in the cases, or the scope change in the field.

Yeah, no.

Sly was born without one in the chamber . . . .

That started when Mamma Stallone dropped him on his widdle head.

She must have raised many of the posters here as well.

Nowadays, that shit is abuse, but 40 years ago, at was love and affection.

:D :rolleyes:

That Joe is tr000ly Something Else.

Need to get a little action in here.

Even the cat got up and moved.


Got a little action in.

Apparently, the bank is making a bigger joke of Bankers' Hours. How can you get worse than pathetic?

GB posters do, so I guess there's no surprise after all.

Made a snack. After that, it's off to The Chores . . . .


It's Tuesday morning and I want to rock
'Wanna get a bellyful of coffee...

Damned dachshunds. Again???
Going back to earlier remarks...

Just now Big Stupid was doing her jumping out of the skin thing,


... and I checked the food, I checked the water, I opened the door,
she started talking to me. So, I checked the food again,
it looked pretty uniform, so I added some more and that
was the ticket - they had eaten all of the pieces that they
liked and now she is eating the pieces that she likes again,
but this time, will be the last time, that we will feed like this!


I wish. Whatever it takes to shut them up.
They are female. A male dog would eat anything...,

I'm eatin' this-here omelette.

This bitch g000t.

This cat talks all the time here. We got over to J's and he's quiet. There are more people, a dog (al be he a little shithead), two other cats, and a big different house to explore. He'll get his fill while I'm traveling because his little ass will be staying there.

It hasn't sunk in for him yet . . . .

Praises be unto Allah for all of his manifold blessings and great mercies!!!! Ringage is next to Allah-ness.

How does it shoot?

What, you haven't been out to test it/them yet???

I love that bore-sighting laser shit. It's easier now since the laser-chasing cat has moved on to live with Carolyn . . . .

I've had an annoyance of late. It didn't rise to the level of being a problem until this week. But no more, motherfucker!!!

The damned toilet wouldn't flush. It started out as a sticky flapper valve that got progressively more sticky. Stickier. Until it had all but stuck. Press the handle and the flapper won't disengage from the flush valve (hole in the bottom of the tank).

All the guts in the toilet are plastic. Here's guessing that something in the water is breaking down the flapper itself and making it bond (a bit - not completely) to the flush valve.

After having dicked around with it over the last few weeks, Wat finally got crabby with it and disassembled it. Then he cleaned it with Snarly Spray Bathroom Cleaner and let it sit. Then sprayed it a few more times for good measure. Then took the scritchy-sponge to it the last time and reassembled it and turned the water back on. Works like new.

Happy Birthday, Oswald Boelcke. As a result, been reading a few tidbits about various Fokker Scorges.

Oh, and happy b-day to you, too, Ho Chi Minh.


Nope, haven't shot it yet. I can bore sight in the backyard well enough that that'll get me where I won't have to do a lot of fiddle farting around at the range.

Hmmm, interesting little coincidence. It turns out the laser cat tormentor is exactly the same diameter as a 300 WM case. :D
Bore sighting is so much the bomb.

This one remaining cat couldn't care less about lasers. He may be too aware for such mundane shit.

Now the toilet has a periodic run to it. Time for a new flapper. Motherfucker. I have a spare toilet, so I may just replace the entire thing.

Grazing in on rabbit food with cheese and a can of tuna for good meaure.

